Family Chat App (working name)


Create a chat app comparible to slack or groupme, except with a focus on families. The lofty goal: Create a platform for families that will improve communication and bring delight.

Families are the entire demographic, young to old. This means it needs simpler features to not require "tech support."

  • Simple UI
  • Free for general purposes
  • Transparent business model
  • lean application

Expected Difficulties

  • Adoption
  • Monetization Models



MVP Phase 1

Phase 1 will likely resemble a slack clone.

  • Simple interface
  • Messaging
    • Channels
    • Uploads
    • Markdown
    • Editable Messages
    • Basic emojis
  • relationship-based perspectives of family
  • signing up family members
    • email with passwordless login

MVP Phase 1

  • Connecting affinal families
  • Creating fictive kinships families.
  • Event planning
  • Delight events
  • Involvment of adolescent accounts

random thoughts on name branding

kin Cognate