
Implementation of merge sort with jasmine tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Merge Sort Exercise

You will be implementing merge sort in javascript. There is also a jasmine spec that you should implement before working on the merge sort implementation. This should help you make sure parts of the merge sort are working before moving on.


  1. Look at the spec/mergeSortSpec.js spec file. It has two very simple tests for the merge function and the mergeSort function. Implement as many test cases as you can before implementing the merge or mergeSort function.
  2. Look at the mergeSort.js file. There are two functions, merge and mergeSort. You should implement merge first and make sure it passes all specs.
  3. Implement merge sort. Make sure it passes all of your specs.
  4. Try to do this without looking up solutions online. Implementing specs first will help a lot.