
The must funny gifts about dogs

Primary LanguageVue

Worky Coding Challenge 🚀

Involves Vue components, API integration and data display.

Libraries used 📚

  • Vue CLI
  • Axios
  • FontAwesome
  • vue-router
  • Vuex
  • vue-persistedstate
  • cypress

Development process 👷🏽‍♀️

The are the steps I followed to complete the challenge:

Check the Giphy API

  • Check Api endpoint to know how to apply the requisites of the challenge
  • Add filters to URL endpoint. (Bring 5 items about the word "dog")

Display the gifts in a list using the data available from the API

  • Perform a GET request to the API and axios the data array
  • Pass the array of offers as props to the PxCard component
  • Map the props to generate an automatic list. Show name and image
  • Apply Styles and Design UI
  • Add media queries to do a responsive app

Add Test

  • Deploy of the Vuetiful Dog App with Github pages
  • install plugin of cypress @vue/cli-plugin-e2e-cypress from vue ui
  • Create the tests of the project and run them into the browser with cypress

Setting it up 🔧


Have a code editor, a terminal and that's all.


  • Fork and clone this repository: https://github.com/RosaIsela31/vuetiful-dog.git Now, in your terminal:
  • cd vuetiful-dog
  • npm install
  • Finally, you can run the project with npm run serve
  • You can run the tests with npm run test:e2e you can find all tests into the follow path tests > e2e > specs > test.js

Developer 💻

Rosa Isela L. Palma

Happy Coding! ❤️