
A python API wrapper for the ApolloXV2 defi derivatives exchange

Primary LanguagePython

ApolloXV2 Python API

A python API wrapper for the ApolloXV2 defi derivatives exchange


ApolloXV2 is a great bsc on-chain solution for trading; with better features improving on its V1 predecesor which lets you manage risk better. Use 1-1001x leverage (depending on the market). Provide more than just stablecoins as collateral to trade with. Trades settle directly to your hotstorage wallet to reduce unncesssary exposure.


  • Not all tokens have been wrapped as a BaseBSCToken class in the defi/tokens/bsc.py module. it may need expanding on especially as more markets are released.

This wrapper provides a python interface to ApolloxXV2 perp smart contracts found here. All essential methods to implement a strategy have been wrapped, while nonessentials have been ommited due to lack of a practical need.

You can read, create, limit, cancel, close, history, etc. The only thing not implemented currently is adding margin to existing trades (TBD).

This API will automatically connect to a list of RPC nodes held in defi/rpc/bsc.py. Before any method is called, the wrapper will try to connect to the RPC to validate node integrity.

This API also includes some helpful functions for implementing a strategy around it, such as:

  • await_transaction_receipt -- blocks runtime until txn is acknoledged by a node or until timeout arg is met (this is typically a fast action).
  • validate_transaction_status -- returns true/false if the txn receipt reports succeeded or failed
  • await_finalization -- blocks runtime until txn on blockchain ledger is finalized and irreversable

Example usage.

from apolloxV2 import ApolloXV2
from defi.tokens.bsc import *
import pprint

# credentials are required for most operations. some few read commands exist
params = {
 'wallet_address': 'user_wallet_address',
 'private_key': 'user_private_key'

# to read markets from exchange
APX = ApolloXV2

# token metadata contained in defi/tokns/bsc.py

# set collateral and trading tokens
base_token = tokens.bsc.BTC
collateral_token = tokens.bsc.ETH
# specify order type
order_type = 'create_limit_order'

print('fetching base token ticker...')
fetched = False
base_price = None
base_decimals = None
while not fetched:
        base_price, base_decimals = APX.fetch_ticker(tokens.bsc.BTC)
        fetched = True
    except Exception as e:

print('fetching collateral token ticker...')
fetched = False
collateral_price = None
collateral_decimals = None
while not fetched:
        collateral_price, collateral_decimals = APX.fetch_ticker(collateral_token)
        fetched = True
    except Exception as e:

   In this example we'll use about $13 of eth (0.055) as margin with 20x leverage to open a ~$200+ long position on BTC-USD.
   Note here that leverage calcs can be applied differently depending if `amount` represents the margin amount or the full position amount.
amount = 0.0055  # amount of collateral input currency
leverage = 20    
amount *= leverage
if order_type == 'create_market_order':
    amount_in = amount / leverage * 10**18    # this field type is always ^18 no matter the currency.
    token_swap_ratio = collateral_price / base_price
    amount_adjusted = amount_in * token_swap_ratio
    qty = (amount_adjusted/10**18) * 10**10 * leverage  # this is always ^10. undo other unit type conversions from prior.
    target_price = base_price * (1 + 0.001)
elif order_type == 'create_limit_order':
    amount_in = amount / leverage * 10**18    # this field type is always ^18 no matter the currency.
    target_price = base_price * (1 - 0.5)   # just set the target price to 50% of current for testing.
    token_swap_ratio = collateral_price / target_price
    amount_adjusted = amount_in * token_swap_ratio
    qty = (amount_adjusted/10**18) * 10**10 * leverage  # this is always ^10. undo other unit type conversions from prior.

# test 10% take profit
take_profit = target_price + (1 + 0.1)

# build order params
params = {
    'pair_base': w3.to_checksum_address(base_token),
    'is_long': True,
    'token_in': w3.to_checksum_address(collateral_token),
    'amount_in': amount_in,
    'qty': qty,
    'price': target_price,
    'take_profit': take_profit,

# read state of exchange before order
positions_pre = None
while positions_pre is None:
        positions_pre = APX.get_positions(base_token)
    except Exception as e:

# place orders
txn_hash = None
if order_type == 'create_market_order':
    print('creating market order...')
    txn_hash = APX.create_market_order(**params)
elif order_type == 'create_limit_order':
    print('creating limit order...')
    txn_hash = APX.create_limit_order(**params)

if not txn_hash:
    print('failed to post txn')
    return None

print('gas costs:')

receipt = APX.await_transaction_receipt(txn_hash)
if not receipt:
    print('transaction failed to submit on chain')
    return None

if not APX.validate_transaction_status(txn_hash):
    print('transaction status failed')
    return None
# block until state is immutable on-chain.

# validate order has been placed:
orders = APX.get_positions()

# read state of exchange after order
positions_post = None
while positions_post is None:
        positions_post = APX.get_positions(base_token)
    except Exception as e:

 if len(positions_post) > positions:
     print('new order placed')

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