
Sure! Here's a task for Java beginners on class, methods, objects, getters, and setters:

Task: Create a simple Java program that models a car dealership.

  1. Create a class called "Car" that has the following instance variables: make, model, year, and price.
  2. Write a constructor method that sets the values of the instance variables based on parameters passed to it.
  3. Write getter methods for each of the instance variables.
  4. Write setter methods for each of the instance variables.
  5. Create a method in the "Car" class called "printDetails" that prints out the make, model, year, and price of a car object.
  6. Create a main method that creates several car objects and calls the "printDetails" method for each one.
  7. Add a method to the "Car" class called "discount" that takes a double parameter representing a percentage discount, and reduces the price of the car by that percentage.
  8. In the main method, call the "discount" method for one of the car objects, and then call the "printDetails" method again to verify that the price was reduced.

Example output:

Make: Toyota Model: Camry Year: 2020 Price: $25,000.00

Make: Ford Model: Mustang Year: 2019 Price: $30,000.00

Make: Chevrolet Model: Corvette Year: 2021 Price: $70,000.00

Discounting the price of the Chevrolet Corvette by 10%... Make: Chevrolet Model: Corvette Year: 2021 Price: $63,000.00

Note: You can use the DecimalFormat class to format the price as a dollar amount with two decimal places.

Good luck!