

This is the main backend source code for the COMP 354 summer 2018 software project @ Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. The goal of this project is to create a web based Pokemon dueling card game.


  • Tommy Baloukas
  • Nicholas Paun
  • Liz Schraffenberger
  • Julie Merlin
  • Rose Dufresne

Application specifications

The backend of the application is built with Node.js, Javascript's cross-platform run-time environment that enables the executation of Javascript on the server side. (TBC...)

Getting started

To start, clone this repository on your local machine, and ensure that you have node/npm installed globally on your computer. For more information on downloading node/npm, please Click Here. Once node/npm has been installed, navigate to the project's root directory within the terminal, and run the following command:

npm install

This command will download all the necessary node dependencies listed in the package.json folder. Next, rename the .env-example file to .env this will be the file responsible for holding all the environment variables of the application.

File Structure

The application is split up into two main files: src and dist. The src folder contains all of the application's pre-transpiled Javascript code, whereas dist will hold the post-transpiled Javascript code. The reason for transpiling is to give the implementers the ability to write ES6 (check out these awesome new features Here. That being said, all code should be written in the src folder and transpiled.
