This repo is deprecated,because new project has been created.
My new project : CodeEditor
The new project has implemented most abilities of a code editor(highlight,auto complete,jump to declaraction,etc.)
Please go to the new project for better usage.
A nice code editor for Android!
I have been working it out for serveral days.
Want More information about it?Please see the following items.
- Basic/Display texts(Completed)
- Strong highlight
- Automatically complete your code (with a PopupWindow for you to select items)
- Select content(Completed)
- Scroll and Fling or Drag(Completed)
- Replace with regex
Update Log
- Line index and undo/redo are supported
- Basic text listener created
- Android parts created
- Basic text display and simple insert mode cursor
- Line number and divider line added (gravity control supported)
- Insert mode cursor can be changed by touch