
Fuzzing on binaries

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


BECFuzz aims to fuzz binaries efficiently. The current version is for non-PIE binaries.

Install Dyninst

We use Dyninst to instrument target binaries. So firstly, install Dyninst the branch.

git clone https://github.com/mxz297/dyninst.git
cd dyninst
git checkout fuzzing

Then, follow the instructions on install instructions to install Dyninst.

Set up ENVs

export DYNINST_INSTALL=/path/to/dyninst/build/dir
export BECFUZZ_PATH=/path/to/becfuzz


Install BECFuzz

Enter the folder becfuzz. Change DYN_ROOT in makefile accordingly. Then

make clean && make all

Instrument binary and run fuzzing

${VERSION}: 64, 128, or 256

$TARGET: Path to target binary

${OUTDIR}: Output folder for instrumented binary and results of fuzzing

${INSTNAME}: The name of instrumented binary

$SEEDS: Path to the folder including initial seeds

$TIMEOUT: Timeout for each execution

$PARAMS: Parameters for running target binary

Instrument target binaries

Instrument target binaries using BECFuzzDyninst

mkdir $OUTDIR

Run fuzzing

Fuzz with the instrumented binary.

./becfuzz-afl${VERSION} -i $SEEDS -o ${OUTDIR}/out -t $TIMEOUT -m 1G -- ${OUTDIR}/${INSTNAME} $PARAMS