SIGIR'23: Offline Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Efficient and Effective Single-pass Dense Retrieval

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository contains the code and resources for our paper:

Xueru Wen, Xiaoyang Chen, Xuanang Chen, Ben He, Le Sun. Offline Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Efficient and Effective Single-pass Dense Retrieval. In SIGIR 2023.


Our code is developed largely depend on Pyserini. There are two ways you may set up the environment needed for run:

  • install pip requirements
conda create --name PPRF python=3.8.15
conda activate PPRF
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • install exported conda environment
conda env create -f conda.yaml


Following contents contains usage of our code for conducting experiments.

Offline Preparation

The procedure of the offline preparation can be plotted as follows: offline

In our experiments, we utilized pseudo-queries generated by docT5query released on huggingface datasets, e.g. castorini/msmarco_v1_passage_doc2query-t5_expansions.

  1. Use convert.py to download pseudo-queries and convert it into .jsonl format.
  2. Following the guidance in pyserini to build the BM25 index for further use.

Online Retrieval

The procedure of the online retrieval can be plotted as follows: offline

search.py is the script to do the real searching process. Typical usage can be following:

python source\search.py --topic_name=dl19-passage \
 --num_pseudo_queries=4 \
 --num_pseudo_return_hits=1000 \
 --pseudo_name=msmarco_v1_passage_doc2query-t5_expansions_-1 \
 --pseudo_encoder_name=[castorini/unicoil-msmarco-passage,castorini/tct_colbert-v2-hnp-msmarco,sebastian-hofstaetter/distilbert-dot-tas_b-b256-msmarco] \
 --pseudo_doc_index=[msmarco-v1-passage-unicoil,msmarco-passage-tct_colbert-v2-hnp-bf,msmarco-passage-distilbert-dot-tas_b-b256-bf] \
 --pseudo_prf_depth=3 \
 --pseudo_prf_method=avg \
 --metrics=["nDCG@10","MAP","R@1000"] \
 --batch_size=200 \

For all models in the experiment are reused the implement in the pyserini.


If you have any questions related to the code or the paper or the copyright, please email wenxueru2022@iscas.ac.cn. We would appreciate it if you cite our paper as following:

  title={Offline Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Efficient and Effective Single-pass Dense Retrieval},
  author={Wen, Xueru and Chen, Xiaoyang and Chen, Xuanang and He, Ben and Sun, Le},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},