
React Challenge

Take a Challenge on React? 👉 Explore Now

👋 Introducing React Challenge


React Challenge is an platform to take challenge on React using a simple, easy-to-use interface. You can take challenge as your level.

🚀 Use React Challenge

Please access React Challenge using the URL:


🔥 Features

React Challenge comes with a bundle of features already. You can do the followings with it,

🎯 Take Challenge

  • Take challenges on React with different react core concepts as your prefer level.

🏗️ Challenge Category

  • You can find challenges based on categories, like useState, useEffect,Router,Debugging such kind of react core concepts as a category.

📢 Challenge Level

  • There are three kind level such as Easy,Medium,Advance. Take challenges to level up your react concepts.

💻 Live Code Editor

  • This is one of the key feature of this platform. You get a live code editor which have Live preview,Console, and most amazing Test feature.

📌 Save Challenges

  • You can save any challenge with your current progress.
  • Can back to the previous challenge with previous progress.

🔍 Search Challenges

  • Search a challenges Title, Category or Level.

🎿 Filter Challenges

  • Filter challenges by Category or Level.

🔑 Authentication & Authorization

  • Features like save challenge need you to authenticate with the app. You can use your Gmail credentials to authenticate to the app or continue with google account. It is secured and powered by Firebase.

📱 Responsive and mobile-friendly

  • Use React Challenge seamlessly from any device.

🍔 Built With

✨ Upcoming Features

React Challenge has all the potentials to grow further. Here are some of the upcoming features planned(not in any order),

  • ✔️ Integrate dynamic file system with the code editor
  • ✔️ Manage challenge category dynamically
  • ✔️ Add sub-category based challenge
  • ✔️ Collaborate with others
  • ✔️ Live chat
  • ✔️ Flexible Datastore
  • ✔️ Better Performance
  • ✔️ More authentication mechanisms like twitter, facebook, github etc.

🤝 Support

We all need support and motivation. React Challenge is not an exception. Please give this project a ⭐️ to encourage and show that you liked it. Don't forget to leave a star ⭐️ before you move away.