
This is a Math Tables Quiz Game made using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Professional Maths QuizGame WebApp


This Project is made as a part of Learning Web Development.

This webpage is made right from scratch to create a dynamic Website.

Tools: HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, Git

If you find any issues with the currently present implementations, feel to correct them or create an issue mentioning those.

Project Description

● Developed as an entertainment platform for KIDS/Students ● Architected using CSS, JavaScript, JQuery UI, Local Storage. ● Developed for students, KIDS for entertaining children while playing Maths Quizzes, etc. ● This game increase the mathematical quiz solving ability of students and can be used to teach tables by making fun etc.

Functionalities of App:

The different functionalities of my app are as follows

●On clicking the start button the Quiz window pops the quiz question along the 4 options.

●There is a 60 seconds timer set.

●There are 4 buttons showing 4 random options out of which anyone one option is correct.

●If a user clicks a wrong option then there is a buzzer at the top which shows red signal with "Wrong Answer".

●If a user clicks a correct option then there is a buzzer at the top which shows green signal with "Correct Answer".

●Once the timer ends then the Game Overs with poping of User's Score.

Project Link:

Check [Project] (https://roshan13046.github.io/RoshanWebMathFunGame.github.io/)


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