
Welcome to my GitHub repository showcasing the projects I completed during my time at The Sparks Foundation. This repository features a collection of projects highlighting my skills in supervised and unsupervised machine learning using regression and clustering techniques. Explore the folders to discover the world of predictive modeling.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

🔬 Data Science and Business Analytics Internship Projects

Welcome to my repository containing the projects I completed during my Data Science and Business Analytics internship at The Sparks Foundation. These projects demonstrate my skills and expertise in solving real-world problems using various data science and machine learning techniques.

📊 Project 1: Prediction of Scores using Study Hours

In this project, I developed a supervised machine learning model to predict scores based on the number of study hours. The goal was to analyze the relationship between study hours and scores and create a model that could accurately predict scores for future study hours. I utilized linear regression as the predictive model and evaluated its performance using appropriate metrics.

🌼 Project 2: Classification of Iris Dataset using Unsupervised Machine Learning

In this project, I focused on the classification of the Iris dataset using unsupervised machine learning techniques. The objective was to cluster the Iris flower samples based on their features, such as sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. I employed the K-means clustering algorithm to group the samples and visualized the results to gain insights into the underlying patterns.

🗂️ Repository Structure

  • Project 1/: Contains the code, dataset, and Jupyter Notebook for the prediction of scores using study hours project.
  • Project 2/: Contains the code, dataset, and Jupyter Notebook for the classification of Iris dataset project.

Feel free to explore each project folder for more details, including the code implementations, data, and the Jupyter Notebooks with explanations and results.

⚙️ Requirements

To run the code and reproduce the results, you will need Python 3.x and the following libraries:

  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Scikit-learn

Install the required libraries using pip or conda by running the following command: pip install numpy pandas matplotlib scikit-learn

🙏 Acknowledgments

I would like to express my gratitude to The Sparks Foundation for providing me with the opportunity to work on these projects. The internship has been instrumental in enhancing my skills and knowledge in the field of data science and business analytics.

Happy exploring! 🚀