
Dynamic training with Apache MXNet reduces cost and time for training deep neural networks by leveraging AWS cloud elasticity and scale. The system reduces training cost and time by dynamically updating the training cluster size during training, with minimal impact on model training accuracy.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dynamic Training with Apache MXNet

Dynamic Training (DT) is an experimental fork of MXNet that you can use for dynamically scaling your training jobs.

To use the dynamic training feature you start with one or more instances to train a model. You can then add or remove workers at any time to increase your cluster size, even while training.

You can setup Dynamic Training with a Cloud Formation Template (CFT), manually through the EC2 console, or with the AWS CLI tool. Tutorials for CFT and the EC2 console are provided.

  • In the CFT tutorial, you launch an initial cluster of two instances - a master and a worker. Then you add or remove workers through the EC2 console.

  • In the Manual setup tutorial, you launch one or more nodes, configure them, and then add or remove additional workers.

Contents of this Guide

Plan Your Cluster

So you want use Dynamic Training, but you need a plan! There are five areas to plan:

  1. Accessing the nodes.
  2. Sharing training data or setting up a shared file system.
  3. Getting the DT package.
  4. What data prep script and training scripts to use.
  5. Then after your cluster is launched you have slightly different rules for CFT for the nodes in your cluster.

For example when configuring your cluster with CFT, you have two nodes - master & worker:

  1. Access: You can ssh into the master node, then from master, you can ssh into the worker. See CFT Access.
  2. Sharing: Training data available to each node, either locally or through a shared file system, which master & worker can access.
  3. Package: You have installed MXNet Dynamic Training pip package OR built it from source on the master node.
  4. Data prep: You have a data preparation script that new workers will use to get ahold of training data, plus the training script that will be used by all members of the cluster.
  5. Rules: you can never delete the master, and you cannot remove the workers that launched along with the master. You can remove any node that was added after initialization.

When configuring your cluster manually, you start with one or more nodes:

  1. Access: You can ssh into any of the nodes.
  2. Sharing: Same as CFT.
  3. Package: Same as CFT.
  4. Data prep: Same as CFT.
  5. Rules: There is no concept of master. Each initial node has both at least one server and worker process running. Like CTF you cannot remove the workers that were launched when the cluster was initialized. And like CFT, you can remove any node that was added after initialization.

CFT Access

Dynamic Training's cluster setup assumes you have your master and any number of worker nodes. The most basic CFT setup is one master and one worker, making a two node cluster. You administer everything from the master by SSH. The workers don't have public IPs, so if you need to access a worker, you do this from the master.

Manual Setup Access

There are no special constraints with accessing your nodes that were manually setup according to the Setup DT manually tutorial.

Shared File System

Training cluster nodes access the training dataset using a shared file system.

MXNet Dynamic Training Package

Use pip to install the package, or build the package from source.

To install with pip (recommended):

pip install -e https://s3.amazonaws.com/us-east-1-aws-dl-cfn/mxnet_cu92mkl-1.3.1-py2.py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

To build from source:

git clone https://github.com/awslabs/dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws.git
cd dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws

Note: For specific settings and configurations for your platform, refer to MXNet documentation.

Data Preparation

When new workers are added to a cluster that is actively training, they need to be provided with the training data.

For this purpose you need a data preparation script which is deployed with each new worker.

You can write any "prepare data" code which will be run before worker is added to a cluster. The worker will be added to the cluster only if this script is successfully executed.

Rules for Managing Nodes

Differences between the two setups are covered in detail in each tutorial.

How to Setup Dynamic Training with a Cloud Formation Template

Part 1: Setup a distributed training cluster

This part will setup a master and one worker.

Step 1: Go to AWS Cloud Formation Step 2: Click the Create Stack button. Step 3: At next page, choose the option "Upload a template to Amazon S3" Step 4: Upload dynamic-training-cft.json from your desktop. Click Next. Step 5: At next page, fill in the template, clicking through the options and agreement page until you get to the Create button.

The following are guidelines for this page:

StackName- your choice EFSFileSystemId: leave it blank ImageType: Ubuntu InstanceType: your choice KeyName: use the dropdown to select the ssh key you want to use PrepareDataScriptPath: leave the default value SSHLocation: your public IP or range of IPs that may access the master node over SSH (see tip)

Tip: To lookup your SSH location go to EC2 security group page. Click Create security group. Click Add Rule. Select My IP in Source tab. Copy that IP, with 24 bit mask. For example, if your IP is, use to allow anyone within that range access the master.

Creation may take five minutes or more.

Step 6: After the creation of the cluster is finished, you need to find the public IP of the master node. To get this info, from the Cloud Formation page, click the Resources tab, and look for MasterAutoScalingGroup. Click on it, then click the Instances tab, and then click on instanceID.

Step 7: Setup ssh-key forwarding:

ssh-add -K ~/your_key_file.pem

Step 8: Login to the master node:

ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=60 -A ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS_OF_MASTER

Step 9: If needed, update the data preparation script that was referenced in the PrepareDataScriptPath from Step 5. Otherwise download prepare-data.py to /myEFSvolume. The provided example will download and prepare the CIFAR10 dataset. You can use curl to grab this example and place it in the default location.

curl -o /myEFSvolume/prepare-data.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws/prepare-data.py

Step 10: Check the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH and make sure it has the cuda-9.2 path. If not, add it with the following:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.2/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Step 11: Copy a distributed training script to the shared volume:

cp /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mxnet/tools/launch.py /myEFSvolume

Step 12: Check the GPU count.


Step 13: If there are no GPUs the output of the previous step is 0. If it is 0, then delete the --gpus parameter in the following script. Otherwise, run the script as is:

TRAINING_CMD="python /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/image-classification-example/train_cifar10.py --gpus $(seq -s , 0 1 $(($DEEPLEARNING_WORKER_GPU_COUNT - 1))) --network resnet --num-layers 50 --kv-store dist_device_sync"
/myEFSvolume/launch.py -n $DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_COUNT -H $DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_PATH --elastic-training-enabled True python /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/image-classification-example/train_cifar10.py --gpus $(seq -s , 0 1 $(($DEEPLEARNING_WORKER_GPU_COUNT - 1))) --network resnet --num-layers 50 --kv-store dist_device_sync

The output will look something like this:

2018-11-16 22:46:47,496 INFO Created worker host file /myEFSvolume/host_worker
2018-11-16 22:46:47,518 INFO Created worker host log file /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log
2018-11-16 22:46:47,525 INFO Launching server node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,533 INFO Launching server node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,533 INFO Launching worker node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,536 INFO Launching worker node at ip:

Note the location of the host worker file, /myEFSvolume/host_worker and the host log file, /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log. You may need these later for administering or troubleshooting your cluster.

Part 2: Add More Workers to a Training Cluster

Step 1: Go to the EC2 Console, then open the Launch Template tab.

Step 2: Find the Launch Template with the name you provided when you created the Stack. Step 3: Launch more instances with this template. Select the template version at next page. Everything else will be pre-filled after you select the template version. Then click Launch instance from template.

Once a node is available, the data preparation script is executed. If the run is successful, the node is added to training cluster. Only then is the elastic_worker_status tag created.

This value of the tag starts with ADD_QUEUED and then once successfully added to cluster, the value will be changed to ADDED.

In logs you will see lines like:

Launching new worker jobs :ssh -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 22

In the workers' host log file there will be entries like:

0 ADDED 1542536656974259605

After adding new worker, it is recommended you update the name or keep track of the IP, so you know which workers you can safely remove while training is still running.

Part 3: Removing Workers from a Training Cluster

To find all the instances in the cluster that can be removed, open the EC2 console and select the instance page. Search for instances with tag key. Replace with your own stack name:

tag:<STACK-NAME>-aws-dl-cfn-elastic-worker : All values


  • Do not remove the master.
  • Do not remove a worker that was created when you initialized the cluster.

To remove any instance, select that instance from this view and go to the Tags tab. Click Add/Edit tags, then remove the tag <STACK-NAME>-aws-dl-cfn-elastic-worker. Click Save.

The instance will be removed, and once this is complete the elastic_worker_status tag will have value REMOVED. The instance will be terminated automatically after getting removed.

How to Setup Dynamic Training Manually

When you start this process, you launch a single instance. This will be your "master" node. It is possible to launch a larger fleet from the outset, as long as you keep track of the IPs of this initial base of nodes. Either way, having a "master" will help you administer other nodes, as you will see in this tutorial.

Make sure you login into your master node using the -A flag.


Part 1: Setup the Cluster

Step 1: Use the following bash function to run commands on every node in the cluster. Running this for now and then you can use runclust in later steps.

function runclust(){ while read -u 10 host; do host=${host%% slots*}; ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $host ""$2""; done 10<$1; };

Step 2: Create a hosts file that has the private IPs of every node in the cluster. Place the private IP of the master node last in the list. That way you can keep track of it. When removing nodes, you never want to remove the master accidentally. Also, note that you should initialize the cluster with several nodes, you cannot remove these hosts, as these are base hosts required for running training. You can only remove nodes which were added after training started.

Save it in your master node's home directory. It will look something like this:

Step 3: Run pip install across the cluster.

runclust "pip install --user --force-reinstall -e https://s3.amazonaws.com/us-east-1-aws-dl-cfn/mxnet_cu92mkl-1.3.1-py2.py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl"

Step 4: Kill any Python processes across the cluster.

runclust "sudo pkill python"

Step 5: Create a shared file system called myEFSvolume.

Follow this EFS walkthrough.

Step 6: Copy your hosts file to the root of your new EFS volume.

cp ~/hosts /myEFSvolume

Step 7: Copy launch.py to myEFSvolume. This step assumes you're on Ubuntu. Modify the path according to your system.

cp /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mxnet/tools/launch.py /myEFSvolume

Step 8: Download prepare-data.py to /myEFSvolume. The provided example will download and prepare the CIFAR10 dataset. You can use curl to grab this example and place it in the default location.

curl -o /myEFSvolume/prepare-data.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws/prepare-data.py

Step 9: Check the GPU count.


Step 10: If there are no GPUs the output of the previous step is 0. If it is 0, then delete the --gpus parameter in the following script. Otherwise, run the script as is:

TRAINING_CMD="python /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/image-classification-example/train_cifar10.py --gpus $(seq -s , 0 1 $(($DEEPLEARNING_WORKER_GPU_COUNT - 1))) --network resnet --num-layers 50 --kv-store dist_device_sync"
/myEFSvolume/launch.py -n $DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_COUNT -H $DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_PATH --elastic-training-enabled True python /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/image-classification-example/train_cifar10.py --gpus $(seq -s , 0 1 $(($DEEPLEARNING_WORKER_GPU_COUNT - 1))) --network resnet --num-layers 50 --kv-store dist_device_sync

The output will look something like this:

2018-11-16 22:46:47,496 INFO Created worker host file /myEFSvolume/host_worker
2018-11-16 22:46:47,518 INFO Created worker host log file /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log
2018-11-16 22:46:47,525 INFO Launching server node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,533 INFO Launching server node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,533 INFO Launching worker node at ip:
2018-11-16 22:46:47,536 INFO Launching worker node at ip:

Note the location of the host worker file, /myEFSvolume/host_worker and the host log file, /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log. You may need these later for administering or troubleshooting your cluster.

Part 2: Add New Workers to the Cluster

Step 1: Launch a new instance from the EC2 console. Step 2: Add the new instance's private IP address to the hosts file. Keep track of you new workers as these are the only ones you can remove during training. Step 3: Prepare data on new instance. From the master node, ssh into the new instance and run the data prep script.

curl -o /myEFSvolume/prepare-data.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws/prepare-data.py
python prepare_data.py

Step 4: Copy the updated hosts file over the /myEFSvolume/host_worker file.

cp hosts /myEFSvolume/host_worker

The host_worker file should now look like:


Step 5: In next epoch the worker will be added, and a log line entry will be added to /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log. The entry in host_worker_log will look like:

0 IP ADDED <epoch>

Remove a Worker from the Cluster

Find the worker that needs to be removed in the /myEFSvolume/host_worker file and delete it. Be careful about what you are removing and make sure that you don't remove the master node's IP, or any base node that you initialized the cluster with. Training will halt if you remove the master node or one of these base nodes.

In next epoch, worker will be removed and a log line entry will be added to /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log file The log entry will have entry like this:



These files are created in the directory where launch.py is used. In the examples here this is in the shared volume, myEFSvolume.

  • /myEFSvolume/host_worker is created when training is launched. This contains entries for the current workers
  • /myEFSvolume/host_worker_log contains entries about workers if they were added or removed

Distributed Training Scripts

You can write and use your own distributed training scripts with DT.


Place your training script in the shared volume, so that every node in the cluster can access the training code. As you will see in the examples, you will have a copy of launch.py in the share volume as well.

Writing a Distributed Training Script

To write a distributed training script you need to create a kvstore of type dist_device_sync or dist_sync.

// note that for distributed training case we pass --kv-store dist_device_sync
// to our training script, dist_device_sync will tell the code that it is distributed
// training
kv = mx.kvstore.create(args.kv_store)

You need to implement the mx.mod.BaseDataIterator interface and implement a get_data_iterator function. See example below, how we created ETDataIterator. Pass this ETDataIterator when creating a Module object.

class ETDataIterator(mx.mod.BaseDataIterator):
    def __init__(self, args, data_loader):
        self._args = args
        self._data_loader = data_loader
    def get_data_iterator(self, kv):
        # data iterators
        (train, val) = self._data_loader(self._args, kv)
        if 'dist' in self._args.kv_store and not 'async' in self._args.kv_store:
            epoch_size = get_epoch_size(self._args, kv)
            logging.info('Resizing training data to %d batches per machine', epoch_size)
            # resize train iter to ensure each machine has same number of batches per epoch
            # if not, dist_sync can hang at the end with one machine waiting for other machines
            train = mx.io.ResizeIter(train, epoch_size)
        return train,val

data_iterator = ETDataIterator(args, data_loader/*data loader is function which customer writes even today*/)
# create model
model = mx.mod.Module(

After this, you can call the fit function of Module.

# run
begin_epoch=args.load_epoch if args.load_epoch else 0,

Example Scripts

Example code blocks using the ETDataIterator:

  • Check out the section of code for ETDataIterator which is used for train_cifar10.py
  • Check out this section of code using the ETDataIterator object with the Module object:


Common errors when creating a cloud formation stack

  1. VPC limit exceeded - you may be hitting default limit of 5 VPC's in your account
  2. Stuck in Master/Worker Autoscaling group - a probable reason is your instances are failing to launch. You can check that by going to the EC2 console AutoScalingGroup settings. Search for the name of your stack. You will see entries like <stack-name>-WorkerLaunchConfig-..... and <stack-name>-MasterLaunchConfig-... You can select them, and view Instances tab and Activity History tab to see what is wrong.
  3. Cloud Formation setup is complete, but you are not able to ssh to the master or other nodes. There can be multiple reasons for this: 3.1) Go to EC2→Security Groups page. Search for , and you should be able to see a security group with the name <stack-name>_SSH>. Select this stack. Go to Inbound, Edit, Add Rule (Type: SSH, Source:MyIp). It is recommended that you allow a subnet. For example for, the setting would be 3.2) You may be using wrong ec2-key-pair to ssh. Go to Ec2→Instances. Search for <stack-name>, and you should see an instance named <stack-name>-Master. Select that instance, and under Description tab, you will see key-pair-name. Make sure that you are using same key pair to login to the EC2 instance. 3.3) You can SSH to the master node, but not to a worker node. Make sure that while ssh-ing to the master node, you used the -A option to forward your ssh key-pair. Make sure you are using private IP of worker instances for ssh. You can find that in /opt/deeplearning/workers . You can ssh to workers only through the master node. 3.4) You can login to the master node and worker node, but something else is wrong. Verify that the Cloud Formation setup was completed successfully. For each instance, check the logs: /var/log/cloud-init-output.log, /var/log/cfn-init-cmd.log, and /var/log/cfn-init.log. Look for any errors in the logs.
  4. Check environment variables with env. It should have these variable set: ELASTIC_WORKER_TAG, WORKER_LAUNCH_TEMPLATE_ID, DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_PATH=/opt/deeplearning/workers, DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_COUNT=2, AWS_REGION, DEEPLEARNING_WORKER_GPU_COUNT, EFS_MOUNT DEEPLEARNING_WORKERS_COUNT value should be equal to number of nodes you launched, including master.
  5. Make sure that you have the launch.py script and your training code on shared the shared EFS volume, i.e, /myEFSvolume.
  6. A new worker is not getting added. The tag expected isn't appearing: elastic_worker_status : ADDED Make sure that you launched the worker. Make sure that new worker instance is running. Note the private IP of instance and verify it in the hosts file. Check <dir-of-launch.py>/host_worker file and verify that the private IP of the instance is added to this file. Check the logs.

If you see the private IP, check the <dir-of-launch.py>/host_worker_log file, and see if it has an entry regarding private IP of newly launched instance. If no, then it is fine. Move on to next steps. If an entry says ADDED, this instance is already added.

If there is no entry in <dir-of-launch.py>/host_worker_log file, the instance may be preparing data. Login to the new node (from the master node, use ssh private-ip). Verify the steps for a newly launched instance. If Cloud Formation was used, the logs will be in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log. Check that the prepared data is either successful, or if that Python process is still running. In case it was successful, there should be a 0 byte file created in /myEFSvolume/prepare_data_success_<host_ip>. If you don't find this success file and you have made sure that data has been prepared, and there are no other errors in the logs, you can create this file manually. Any new node should be picked up in the next epoch.

Report any issues here in the GitHub repo.