
A Discord bot/frontend UI for managing a team's scheduling.

Primary LanguagePython

Scrim Finder

Scrim finder is broken down into 2 different bots acting with a frontend UI and Database binding the two.


This is the bot which gives scrim_finder it's name. The NASC bot is responsible for proposing scrims to teams based off timing provided in the frontend UI

Schedule Bot

A bot for helping a team manage their schedule. A team will post an availability (which will be injected into the NASC database). The NASC database will attempt to match a scrim, to the team's required availability. If a match can't be found, then a custom URL on the scrim finder will be created. This link can be posted by the team in their LFS post allowing others to fill in a scrim proposal.


React App

The react app requires no additional setup to run in the dockerized environment.

Flask App

In order to run the Flask App in the dockerized environment, the following environmental variables must be present:

  • SCRIMFINDERDB (The db to connect to on the postgres server.)
  • POSTGRESHOST (The host for the postgres server.)
  • POSTGRESPORT (The host port for the postgres server.)
  • SCRIMFINDERUSER (The user for the db on the postgres server.)
  • SCRIMFINDERPASS (The password for the user on the db for the postgres server.)
  • ENVIRONMENT (Either "DEVELOPMENT" or "PRODUCTION". Used to decide acceptable origins for CORS)

* Please note, in the present version of the bot, the AUTH token used for the inter-process communication queue is set to be NASC Bot's token. This is because the queue is inaccessable via firewall rules and thus the token doesn't need to be unique. A threat does exist here however, and the token should be unique at some point.


In order to run the NASC Bot in the dockerized environment, the following environmental variables must be present:

  • SCRIMFINDERDB (The db to connect to on the postgres server.)
  • POSTGRESHOST (The host for the postgres server.)
  • POSTGRESPORT (The host port for the postgres server.)
  • SCRIMFINDERUSER (The user for the db on the postgres server.)
  • SCRIMFINDERPASS (The password for the user on the db for the postgres server.)