
A repo for all the small things I do that don't really deserve their own repo.

Primary LanguagePython


A repo for all the small things I do that don't really deserve their own repo.

The Toys


While talking with my girlfriend about the different colors, shape, etc that different fungi can take on she thought it would be interesting to have a program which could show you a bunch of colors and learn from input to try and make the same interesting patterns.

Turns out human reinforced learning without datasets is really slow. So this project isn't that fun or interesting to play with. But hey, if you have an hour and want to make it try and learn to make a zebra pattern, it's probably possible.

Evil Hangman

I had a friend who was doing a minor in CSC at a different university than me. A particularily interesting assignment he was given was to create an instance of a game called "Evil Hangman". The premise of this game is that the computer will attempt to select the last possible word that would still validly meet your requirements. In other words, the computer cheats by not selecting a word until it absolutely has to.

He needed help with this project, so in order to properly help get him unstuck, I created my own Evil Hangman in Python (his was in C). This helped me get an understanding of the problem he was stuck at so I could help lead him out of the hole he dug himself.