
Exploring type transformations on vectors for generating code which can be run on FPGAs

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Exploring type transformations on vectors for generating code which can be run on FPGAs

OSX + Linux Win x86 + x64
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#Overview This project explores using properties of vector types along with operations such as map, fold, and zip on vectors to generate code to be run on a FPGA. We also aim to utilize the parallelism of operations such as map and fold (when a fold operation is applied with an associative function) on these vectors.

We aim to implement an EDSL which generates multiple equivalent by construction programs that are run through a cost model, the program with the best cost model is then to be selected to be streamed to a FPGA.

Even though better performance is likely to come from parallelizing operations as much as possible; the circuits that need to be generated to support the specified parallelization may be too large to fit onto the specified FPGA. This is one of the main reasons we use a cost model to select the program to use.

#Dependent Types Dependent types allow for powerful compile time guarantees and proof checking, this project is implemented in a purely functional programming language with depdent types called Idris.

For example in a dependently typed functional language a list with length (called a Vect) in Idris, a function taking a Vect as one of its arguments can look like the following:

fn : Vect 5 Int -> Int

The length of the Vect is defined at the type level as the value 5. Idris enforces that Vects passed to this function must have exactly 5 elements, otherwise a compile time error is generated.

append : a -> Vect n a -> Vect (n + 1) a

This append function can take a Vect of any length, but it guarantees that the Vect returned has exactly 1 more element than the Vect passed in. If the implementation of this append function doesn't do this then a compile time error is thrown.

For vector transformations we use dependent types to guarantee our transformations are correct at compile time, rather than waiting for a runtime error.

For example if we wanted to merge a 2 dimensional Vector into a single dimensional Vector; in a purely functional language such as Haskell we could express this in terms of lists as the following:

merge :: [[a]] -> Maybe [a]
merge [] = Just []
merge v@(x:xs) = 
  let fstLen = length x in
    -- Check if all inner lists are of the same length
    if all (\y -> fstLen == length y) xs
      then Just $ concat v 
      else Nothing

There is one major problem with this implementation in that lists within lists don't all have to be the same size. (e.g. [[1],[1,2,4]] is a valid list of lists) and for a merge operation we require that the dimensionality of the lists passed in is "rectangular" (sized m * n). This property needs to be checked at runtime before we can apply the operation. On top of this in the case that the dimensionality property fails this needs to be taken care of in the program implementation itself either by throwing an error directly from the function or returning a value of Maybe or Either type which then needs to be unwrapped by the calling function.

We can use Vects in Idris to solve this problem:

merge : Vect m (Vect n a) -> Vect (n * m) a
merge [] = []
merge (x::xs) = x ++ merge xs

From Idris we can guarantee at compile time that the merge function is supplied by a "rectangular" list of m * n elements. We can also guarantee that the size of the list that is returned is the dimensionality of the outer list multiplied by the dimensionality of the inner list.



  • Idris 0.9.19 Can be installed from Hackage using cabal or on OSX through the Homebrew package manager.


  • Building the code can be achieved by entering the command idris --build project.ipkg in the root directory of this repository

##Running Unit Tests

  • Running unit tests can be achieved by entering the command idris --testpkg project.ipkg in the root directory of this repository