
Tiny and simple RPC framework

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Tiny and simple RPC framework.

Please note that it's not a production ready implementation. It is a long way...

Getting Started

See jrpc-example module for more information

Creating server

Server server = ServerBuilder.forPort(serverPort)
     .addService(`one or more objects which implement interface`)

Creating client

ClientChannel clientChannel = ClientBuilder.forPort(serverPort)

Create one or more proxy by providing an interface

SomeService service = clientChannel.createProxy(SomeService.class);

Supported input (*...n args) and return types for service methods

  • primitives and wrappers
  • String
  • objects which implement Resource interface

Do remote call

int response = service.callMethod(new SomeResource());
int result = service.sum(2.0, 2.0);

Note that it's a blocking call but I'm planning to implement a tiny library to work with coroutine|fibers in order to avoid blocking calls and usage of callbacks/listeners.

Stop the client and server



What is a resource

Resource interface provides two methods to serialize/deserialize objects and an additional method which returns an integer which uniquely identifies a resource. The recommended way to create resource is to extend the BaseResource abstract class and annotate it with a ResourceId annotation which has required int value - resource id. jrpc-maven-plugin instruments all classes with ResoureId annotation and adds a default constructor, static field _resourceId and implements a method getResourceId. These info is used then in runtime to create a proper mapping between resource ids and resource suppliers in order to serialize/desirialize resource during the network call.