
Simple light Youtube video requesting system, with graphical user interfaces, for playing them on a big screen

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple tiny cross-platform Youtube video requesting system, with graphical user interfaces, for playing them on a big screen

Lincenced under the WTFPL licence http://www.wtfpl.net/


  1. Install git, nodejs and npm

    arch pacman -S git nodejs npm

    ubuntu apt-get install git nodejs npm

  2. Download the repo

    git clone https://github.com/Rotekoppen/partytube/

  3. Download the required modules

    cd partytube

    npm clean-install

  4. Run

    node index.js

  5. profit


Config is mostly done in config.json, but the expected ip has to be set in web/src/js/base.js


After starting the server, open the website serverIp:3000/admin/view/ on your big screen.

Then on the other devices visit serverIp:3000/

To take control over the video playback visit serverIp:3000/admin/panel/

You can also spesify a spesific ip at the end of your link by adding a ? followed by the Ip



This program is not suited for large scale use, as everyone can access the admin control panel.

This program doesn't tackle 2 big screens yet. Planned for the future is slave screens