Code for a Windbg demo presentation and training.
- Download this project and build it
- Download Windbg from here
- Create a local folder for symbols cache (e.g. C:\Symbols)
Before strating each exercise you need to open Windbg and do the following commands:
- Launch the demo app (WindbgDemo.exe)
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu (or enter the command g)
- Press "Break" in the Windbg menu
- Enter the command:
.loadby sos clr
- Set the symbols path by entering the following commands:
.sympath srv* Path to local symbols folder *
.sympath+ Path to demo app pdb files
For example, if your local symbols cache is in C:\Symbols and the demo app pdb files are in C:\WindbgDemo\bin\debug then run the following commands:
.sympath srv*C:\Symbols*
.sympath+ C:\WindbgDemo\bin\debug
This exercise will show you how to setup breakpoints.
The demo code will perform a loop and throw an exception if the index of the loop is 84.
- Press "Break" in the Windbg menu (if not already pressed)
- Enter the following command to set a breakpoint in the start of the Run method:
!bpmd WindbgDemo.exe WindbgDemo.BreakpointsDemo.Run
- Enter the following command to set a brekpoint in line #14 of the demo file:
!bpmd BreakpointsDemo.cs:14
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- In the demo app, select the "Setup breakpoints" option (enter 1)
- Windbg should stop at the first breakpoint we set
- Enter the following command to see the stack trace:
!ClrStack -i -a
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- Windbg should stop at the second breakpoint we set
- Enter the following command to see the stack trace:
!ClrStack -i -a
- Note that we can see the value of the index (int i = 84)
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- Windbg should stop because we threw an exception
- Enter the following command to see the exception details:
- Note that we can see the exception type, message and stack trace
This exercise will show you how to examine the data of objects in memory.
The demo code will attempt to pretty print a complex object (Person) and will have a ArgumentNullException due to an unitialized property value.
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- In the demo app, select the "Examine objects" option (enter 2)
- Windbg should stop because we threw a null reference exception
- Enter the following command to see the exception details:
- Enter the following command to see the stack trace:
!ClrStack -i -a
- Note that we can see that parameters and local values of the GetFriendNames method in the stack trace:
... WindbgDemo.ExamineObjects.GetFriendNames(Class WindbgDemo.Person) ...
+ WindbgDemo.ExamineObjects this @ 0x30252e0
+ WindbgDemo.Person person @ 0x30253c4
+ System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<string> names = null
+ (Error 0x80004005 retrieving local variable 'local_1')
- Note that the local variable 'names' is null (this is the cause of the exception)
- The number after the parameter name is the memory address of the parameter
- Enter the following command to see the object details using the address you received:
!do 0x30253c4
- Note that we can see the properties that this object contains, for example:
MT Field Offset Type VT Attr Value Name
01405038 4000004 c WindbgDemo.Name 1 instance 030253d0 <Name>k__BackingField
- The value column is the address for the field. Try to enter the !do command for the name field:
!do 030253d0
- You will receive an error that this is an invalid object. This is because Name is a value type (struct) instead of a reference type (class)
- In order to see the value type details we need a different command and also the value in the MT (method table) column:
!dumpvc 01405038 030253d0
- Try to see the values of the First and Last properties of the name using the !do command
This exercise will show you how to examine the heap and find potential memory leaks.
The demo code will create 2 new Person instances, one of which will be added to a static collection (a memory leak).
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- In the demo app, select the "Examine heap" option (enter 3)
- In the demo app, select the "Examine heap" option (enter 3) again
- Press "Break" in the Windbg menu
- Enter the following command to see the statistics of objects in the heap:
!dumpheap -stat
- Enter the following command to find all instances whose name contains 'Person' (case sensitive):
!dumpheap -type Person
- Find the row that contains the Person instances:
MT Count TotalSize Class Name
017b6424 4 96 WindbgDemo.Person
- Enter the following command to show all instances of Person (MT is like a Type)
!dumpheap -mt 017b6424
- Note that we found 4 instances
- Press "Go" in the Windbg menu
- In the demo app, select the "Perform GC" option (enter 4)
- This will release the memory and clear instances not in use any more
- Press "Break" in the Windbg menu
- Enter the following command to show all instances of Person again:
!dumpheap -mt 017b6424
- Note that we found 2 instances of Person (this is a memory leak):
Address MT Size
033b5448 017b6424 24
033b5a0c 017b6424 24
- Enter the following command to find the root that holds one of these instances (by address):
!gcroot 033b5448
- Note that we found that a Hashset contains the instance:
011c13ec (pinned handle)
-> 043b3528 System.Object[]
-> 033b52ec System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[WindbgDemo.Person, WindbgDemo]]
-> 033b5478 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1+Slot[[WindbgDemo.Person, WindbgDemo]][]
-> 033b5448 WindbgDemo.Person
Command | Description |
.loadby sos clr | Load the SOS extension |
!bpmd WindbgDemo.exe WindbgDemo.BreakpointsDemo.Run | Set a breakpoint by module (assembly) and method name |
!bpmd BreakpointsDemo.cs:14 | Set a breakpoint by file name and line |
!ClrStack -i -a | Show stack trace, including parameters and local values |
!pe | Show current exception details |
!do address | Show object instance details by address |
!dumpvc method table address | Show value type details by method table and address |
!dumpheap -stat | Show a summary of the heap contents |
!dumpheap -type type name | Show a summary of the items in the heap that contain the name (case sensitive) |
!dumpheap -mt method table | Show a summary of the items in the heap by method table |
!gcroot | Show which instances hold a reference to the object |
groot | I am |