
Blender Sushi related scripts. Mostly about Sverchok, Animation Nodes, and related Python scripts.

Primary LanguagePython


Here is a collection of Blender Sushi related scripts and node trees. An ongoing ebook to share my brain with everyone.

I am using Blender 3D as a tool to express my ideas and to share my endless study of everything related to computer graphics, animation, and visualization. After a series of coincidents, I stumbled into cool add-on like Sverchok and Animation Nodes and also meeting some Blender Artist and Devs.

It helps me a lot to really play with code and node. I gain more confident in programming, especially using Python. Even at a basic intermediate level.

I tried to keep all my tools open source so that no matter what computer I am on, I can just install all the tools without worrying about license and dependencies with paid apps.


Jimmy Gunawan

Blog: http://blendersushi.blogspot.com.au

YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/jimmygunawan

I made very little money to none. Every now and then it would be helpful to get donation.