
Record my learning road of coding algorithm and specification

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Record my learning road of coding algorithm and specification, including 堆栈/stack, 队列/queue, 数组/array, 字符串/string, 链表/linked list, 树/tree, 图/graph, 堆积/heap, 哈希表/hash table.


DAY ITEM STATUS Tackled Question
1 Array DONE 704, 27
2 Array DONE 977, 209, 59
3 Linked List DONE 203, 707, 206
4 Linked List DONE 24, 19, 02.07, 142
5 Hash Table DONE 242, 349, 202, 1
6 Hash Table DONE 454, 383, 15, 18
7 String DONE 344, 541, 05*, 151, 58*
8 String DONE 28, 459
9 Stack DONE 232, 225
10 Stack DONE 20, 1047, 150
11 Stack DONE 239, 347
12 Binary Tree DONE 102, 107, 199, 637, 429, 515, 116, 117, 104, 111 ,226, 101
13 Binary Tree DONE 222
14 Binary Tree DONE 513, 112, 106
15 Binary Tree DONE 654, 617, 700, 98
16 Binary Tree DONE 530, 501, 236
17 Binary Tree DONE 235, 701, 450
18 Binary Tree DONE 669, 108, 538
19 Backtracking Algorithm DONE 77
20 Backtracking Algorithm DONE 216, 17
21 Backtracking Algorithm DONE 39, 40, 131
22 Backtracking Algorithm DONE 93, 78, 90
23 Dynamic Planning DONE 70, 509, 746
24 Dynamic Planning DONE 62, 63
25 Dynamic Planning DONE 343, 96

"*" means from "剑指offer" set.

Special Pratice For

Company Finished Question Status
ByteDance 648, 662 1/10


This reposity summarizes my learning road for data algorithm and structure under the "leetcode-master" camp.

And the code practice questinos come from leetcode.