
An app where to rent people for your wedding

Primary LanguageRuby

🎎 Guest Who

An app to find guests/services for your wedding


Our team has developed an app that allows you to rent people or services for your wedding. With our app, you can not only rent services but also offer your own services to others.


Screenshot 2023-09-26 154311 Screenshot 2023-09-26 154109 Screenshot 2023-09-26 154637 Screenshot 2023-09-26 154546 Screenshot 2023-09-26 154340

⚙️ Setup

Install gems

bundle install

ENV Variables Create .env file

touch .env

Inside .env, set these variables. For any APIs, see group Slack channel.


DB Setup

rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed

Run a server

rails s

📕 Usage

App home: https://guest-who-9b7d8a334e6c.herokuapp.com/

User: simoneroveri@gmail.com PW: 123456

🔨 Built With

🗿 Team Members

💅 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.