
ACOK/ASOS Bookmark

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Seeing that the AGOT mod decided to make their own version of our scenarios, Rowan has given me the greenlight to begin preliminary work on our own Game of Thrones bookmark. It'll take awhile, but I'll try to get as much of it done as possible. Help would be appreciated.

We started working on those scenarios in 2014

@blackninja9939 the new bookmarks aren't exactly polished that well.

I'm going on vacation and will be back in about a week. When I get back I'll power through the history of Braavos, Andalos, and Pentos.

Didn't say it was continuous work mostly a bit here and there until the guy who started it got a break to work more on them in the past few months. But to imply that we stole" your scenarios to make our own versions of is ridiculous on the grounds we started on them and the mod way before you guys

@blackninja9939 I never said that you stole the bookmark. I'm sorry if I accidentally implied it.

@tannerflick4 I seem to get the most done whenever I'm able to find a long period of free time. I'm currently not at school because of Winter Break, so I have the time to go ahead and do it.

Competing is unlikely to be something that will crop up, what you guys really need is to add in actual content. Currently there is extremely little event and decisions etc. which leaves mostly just the new map.

Having lots of more granular cultures and title setup means nothing if there are no events outside of vanilla ones to go with any of that so after fixing the error log that would be a good place to start as otherwise you can cover every single time period but if they all play identically to vanilla then it is a bit of a waste of time as there will invariably be a handful of bookmarks played the most anyway.

Yeah, as many users have said - some like this about our mod but many do not - our mod is CK2 in the AGOT universe, whilst your mod is the AGOT universe in CK2.

It's a pretty significant and a very true distinction, because our mod plays like a re-skinned CK2 because that is exactly what it is. That'll change with time and development, but no matter how many bookmarks, dynasties, characters, wars, vassals and the sort we add it'll stay a re-skinned CK2 - events and custom mechanics will be what we need to focus on for it to not be the case.