
test task

Primary LanguageRuby

About task:

You will be given dump of PostgreSQL(9.6) database. We don't want you to lose too much time so ~3 hours should be enough, if you don't finish the task in 3 hours don't continue to work on it and just publish what you have.

Restoring database:

pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U yourpostgresuser -d store_development store.pgdb

Link to database: https://drive.google.com/...


Create web application for given DB.
Normalize DB.
Implement next REST methods:

/books – return all books /books/prime – lreturn ist of books where name size is prime number /articles – return all articles /search/filter – find books and articles by specific parameters


Name – book or article name Genre – genre name Author – author name Publisher – publisher name

/lists/books – return list of available top 5 books for discount lists

Build Status CodeClimate Coverage Dependency Status

Bookshop test task

Clone project

git clone https://github.com/Roxana1989/bookshop.git

Install gems

bundle install

Create database

add to file database.yml

username: "Your username"
password: "some password"
rake db:create

Run migrations

rake db:migrate