EventGram is an Android application built with Kotlin and Firebase that allows users to log in, scan QR codes to join events, and upload photos to a shared storage. Each event has its own unique feed, where participants can view and share photos in an Instagram-like format.
- User Authentication: Users can log in to the application via Firebase Authentication.
- QR Code Scanning: Users can scan a QR code to join an event. The scanned code extracts the event ID, which is used to navigate to the corresponding event feed.
- Event-Specific Feed: Each event has a unique feed, allowing users to view and upload photos specific to that event.
- Photo Uploads: Users can upload photos to the event's shared storage, which is displayed in a gallery format.
- Event Management: Users can create new events with unique IDs, which are stored in Firebase and used to generate QR codes.
- Persistent Feed: The app remembers the last feed the user was viewing, allowing them to continue from where they left off when reopening the app.
To run this project locally, follow these steps: Clone the repository:
- go to bash
- copy this code :
- git clone https://github.com/Roxopog/eventgram.git
- cd eventgram
Open the project in Android Studio:
Launch Android Studio and select "Open an existing project". Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository and select the eventgram project. Set up Firebase:
Go to the Firebase Console and create a new project. Add an Android app to your Firebase project, and download the google-services.json file. Place the google-services.json file in the app/ directory of your Android project. Enable Firebase Authentication and Firebase Storage in the Firebase Console. Build and Run:
Build the project by selecting "Build > Make Project" in Android Studio. Run the app on an Android device or emulator.
Log in: Use your credentials to log in to the app. Create or Join an Event: Scan a QR code to join an existing event, or create a new one. View Event Feed: Browse photos shared by other participants in the event feed. Upload Photos: Share your photos with other participants by uploading them to the event feed.