Linux w/Ansible and Docker (Takes about 5 mins to Build)

Linux build = ubuntu:20.04

This project will attempt to set up a local environment with Docker to test ansible scripts.
In an attempt to automate steps for groups supported by DevOps.

  • Install Docker Desktop
  • Start Docker Desktop
  • Download this project from GitLab with the Download Button
  • Extract all the contents into a location on your PC
  • Navigate to the location on you PC that you have just extracted the project contents
  • Build test env w/Docker using the following command:
    • docker-compose up -d --build --scale ansible_node=3

  • Docker containers are build with an ansible and root user available.
    • Both users passwords are ansible
  • Log into the control_node using command line:
    • Linux:
    • docker exec -it control_node bash

    • Windows:
    • winpty docker exec -it control_node bash

  • Log into the control_node using Docker Desktop CLI button:
    • CLI button

  • Run the command:
    • su root ./

  • password = ansible

The worker nodes are named: ansible_node_number

After running the ./ on the control node:

ssh onto any worker node from the ansible control node. With the following command:

  • ssh box_1

    • Change the box_(number) to ssh into a different box
  • To test ssh connection run the following command from the control_node :

    • ssh box_1

  • To test ansible run the following command from the control_node:

    • ansible patching[0] -m ping

    • ansible patching[0] -a "free -h"

  • Happy Testing!

Project Commands

Build: Current Scale Limit = 50

  • docker-compose up -d --build --scale ansible_node=3

    • Change the --scale ansible_node= to scale up or down.

    docker-compose up -d --build --scale ansible_node=50

Test Adhoc Commands

  • box_1:
    • ansible patching[0] -m ping

  • box_1-50:
    • ansible patching[0:49] -m ping

  • Memory Stats:
  • box_1:
    • ansible patching[0] -a "free -h"

  • box_1-50:
    • ansible patching[0:49] -a "free -h"

Play Books Commands

  • Ensure that python3-apt and python3-pycurl packages are installed This example playbook will only do it for 1 node_1 server. Will ignore the rest.
    • ansible-playbook install_sofware-playbook.yml

Destroy Resources

  • Destroy all resources when your finished
    • docker-compose down