Backend - Lint Backend - Unit

Front linter Front Unit test

Financeular 🤑

Welcome to financeular. The project aims for tracking the incomes and expenses for everyone. The project is open source, you can take it and do what ever you want.

Why to use this project 🤷‍♂️🙄 😸

A lot of solutions which already exists need your bank account details, at least in Israel (where I live in), and it's a matter of time until one of them will be hacked. You don't want to take this risk.

Other solutions which are might only track your receipts; Still, that data can reach people you don't want to and provide sensitive data about you.

Financeular deals with those issues in two ways:

  1. Host it your self - you can host the project your self. It's already dockerized, so you just need to hit a couple of commands... and Bam! you got ready to use.
  2. You can use financular. Unlike to other services we store all the data. By managing the income and expenses in a predefined excel sheet you can upload a single file and get insights about you finance behaviour. One you are done, delete the file. It's would be like you've never been here.

Using docker 🐳

For local development

Just hit in the terminal:

docker-compose up -d

The next is to create a user

docker-compose exec backend php artisan financeular:user-create

Once you created the user go to http://localhost:2000 and you ready to go.

For production development

You'll need to create a file with a different client ID and secret. TBD more about this section.

YOLO - self hosting 🤘


First, go the backend folder. This is a simple laravel application. Read the documentation on how to set it up with apache/nginx.

TBD more on this one.


After you created the backend, you'll need to create a custom .env file - TBD.

Testing 🧪

There are several ways to test.


For linting run:

composer run lint

If the lint has failed you can run:

composer run lint-fix

We have PHPUnit which cover all the aspects of the system:

php artisan test


For linting run:

npm run lint

We have Jest which are unit test for components:

npm run test

This is just a unit test and mock most the data the components need. For more elaborate test we have E2E. The E2E is using cypress and you need to go to the cypress folder and run:

npm i
npm run test

This will install the dev data and will run only if you have financeular running in the background. That's it.