
Network Security Assignment 1

Primary LanguagePython

Network Security Assignment 1

For Computer Science B.Sc. Ariel University

By Shahar Zaidel and Roy Simanovich


In this assignment we simulated a diode in an enterprise network, via 2 proxy servers. The assignment was built in Python. We used 4 docker machines to simulate the enterprise network. The assignment contains 4 main programs, each of which represents a computer in the network. Our goal is to build a network in such a way that a user in an enterprise network will be able to send data to the enterprise’s super-duper secret server, without any data leaks from the server itself. The network structure we built contains also two additional proxy servers, one for each side, and a logical diode (to simulate a real-life physical diode), that connects between the two proxy servers.

The user and proxy 1 communicate via TCP protocol. The server and proxy 2 also communicate via TCP protocol. The proxy 1 server communicates with proxy 2 server via a custom Reliable UDP protocol. Since the diode is a logical diode, there isn’t actually a fifth component, and the logical part of the diode is implemented in the programs of proxy 1 and proxy 2. We send the data in such way that the file that’s transmitted is saved under the original MD5 hash name, and the end-user (server) can compare between the name of the file and the MD5 hash of the file and check if he received all the data without any interference. We added a security layer by saving the received file by the name of the MD5 hash of the file.


  • Full linux (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS recommended)
  • Python 3.10
  • Docker-Compose (latest version)

We highly recommend using Dockers in order to run the program. Using Dockers will allow you to run the program on few different machines on a single machine.


  1. First, install Docker-Compose: You can find the installation instructions here: https://linuxhint.com/install-docker-compose-ubuntu-22-04/

  2. Open a new Directory in your computer.

  3. Paste the attached "docker-compose.yml" file in your new directory. Note: Do not change the docker-compose.yml file contents unless you know what you are doing.

  4. Open a new subdirectory in your new directory named "volumes".

  5. Paste the attached "proxy1.py", "proxy2.py", "enduser.py" and "sender.py" files in your new subdirectory - "volumes".

  6. move the file that you want to send to the server through our data-diode to the "volumes" subdirectory.

Running (Linux)

  1. open 5 terminals and navigate to your new subdirectory.
  2. In the first terminal, run the following command:
sudo docker-compose up
  1. In the 4 other terminals, run the following command to enter each container's shell:
sudo docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash

then, enter the "volume" directory in each container:

cd volumes
  1. In each container, run the following command to run the program:
python3 <program-name>.py

run the write command according to the container you are in: for example, if you are in the enduser container, run the following command:

python3 enduser.py

If you want to see which containers are currently alive, run the following command:

sudo docker ps -a

In order to exit the docker, just type "exit" in the shell. In order to stop all the dockers, press ctrl+c in the terminal you ran the "sudo docker-compose up" command.

Running (Linux)

On your brand new dockers run the following commands: (the order is important, run each command in a different terminal)

python3 proxy1.py
python3 proxy2.py
python3 enduser.py
python3 sender.py