
Game: 2048

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. two tiles of the same value touch, they will combine and merge to form the combined number
  2. each time a move has been made, a new number will pop up
  3. the value that has been merged from two tiles, will update on the scoreboard
  4. new game button, to reset game baord
  5. left arrow key shifts all boxes to the left
  6. right arrow keys shifts all boxes to right
  7. bottom arrow key shifts all boxes to bottom
  8. top arrow key shifts all boxes to top
  9. game over when all boxes have been filled and no moves are available
  10. for game board creation make a for loop

Stretch features

  1. scoreboard adding up sum of boxes

  2. leaderboard

    //updated until today

  3. slide effect on grid

  4. need to end game when moves are still available not when i run out of 0's

  5. change alert box to a modal

  6. add a start button

  7. hide the 0's

  8. when combining, use divs starting on side that is called on

  9. some music while playing

  10. start playing with some friends


Player will use the directional arrows on keyboard to interact with the game. Each time an arrow is pressed, the boxes will move in the direction of the arrow and create a new number after move is completed. When two boxes with the same number are side by side, the two boxes will merge to create the sum of the two boxes. Exp: two boxes are 2 and 2, they will merge to create 4 Your score will be calculated by adding the sum of merged boxes.