Microfrontend Demo

In the article Introducing Module Federation, a demo is used to demonstrate the various concepts discussed. The following branch contains the code driving that demo for those who wish to see this code in action.


Install NX with npm via npm install -g nx

Serve The TIO Application

  • To build all the applications, run yarn serve --all
  • To build the Host application and one specific application, run yarn serve --apps=application-1
  • To only the Host application, run yarn serve
  • To only build a specific mico-app, run yarn serve --apps=application-1 --appOnly

Build/Serve The TIO Application

  1. nx build host --skip-nx-cache --showFileNames=true --skipMin=true
  2. nx build application-1 --skip-nx-cache --showFileNames=true --skipMin=true
  3. nx build application-2 --skip-nx-cache --showFileNames=true --skipMin=true
  4. npm run local-server

Serve The Design-System Application

  1. Run the nx serve design-system command
  2. Open in your browser

List What Is Affected By Change

  1. Make a change somewhere in the code
  2. Run the nx affected:apps or nx affected:libs command

Visualize What Is Affected By Change

  1. Make a change somewhere in the code
  2. Run the nx affected:dep-graph command

Lint What Is Affected By Change

  1. Make a change somewhere in the code
  2. Run the nx affected --target=lint command