
Primary LanguageJavaScript

NodeJs Express with Swagger + VueJs


This is REST API project on Nodejs based on Express and Swagger documentation.

Frontend part based on VueJs

Getting Started

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/RoyalHunt/vueNode.git

# Change directory
cd vueNode/docker

# Build containers and run application
sh ./bootstrap.sh

Without docker, you should do next steps.

For develop version:

# Enter in to backend folder from root
cd gateway

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run server
npm run dev

In another terminal window:

# Enter in to frontend folder from root
cd frontend

# Install dependencies
npm install

# Run server
npm start

Project Structure


  • data - Seeds for MongoDb
  • docker - env file + docker configation
  • frontend - Web SPa on VueJs
  • gateway - Backend NodeJs Express


You can seed database with data running script file from docker folder with next command:

# Run bash in mongodb container
docker exec -it mongodb bash

# Run script file
sh data/seed/bootstrap.sh

Without docker, you should do next steps:

# Run mongodb

# Run script file from docker folder
sh data/seed/bootstrap.sh


Swagger documentation you could find by the next link: http://localhost:8081/

To generate the Swagger specification, we are using swagger-jsdoc

Environment Variables

  • NODE_ENV - specifies the environment in which an application is running (default is development)
