JavaScript Regenerated Talk

  • What are my current problems?
    • Build step, large bundles, accessibility, too many dependencies to keep up to date.
    • Not having the language that models the problems I’m seeing and solving.
  • Why generator functions?
    • Why functional programming?
  • Why React works?
    • React taught me that Components are amazing, not necessarily that just React is amazing.
    • React’s limitations.
  • What problems can be solved with generator functions?
  • Let’s implement a generator function for animation, or parsing.
  • How does an HTML renderer with generator functions work?
  • Learn pieces that can be used in many domains.
    • Ingredients that can be recombined into many recipes.
  • Producing client side JavaScript from the backend on the fly.
  • What’s the future?
  • Where can I learn more?

Code examples

Can define the function beforehand:

function sum(...numbers) {
  return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // 15

Can define it after:

sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // 15

function sum(...numbers) {
  return numbers.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);

Message oriented generator functions

A generator function can send messages out:

const messageA = 'a';
const messageB = 'b';

function* Sender() {
  yield messageA;
  yield messageB;
  yield messageB;
  yield messageA;

Array.from(Sender()) // ['a', 'b', 'b', 'a']

The order that messages are sent matters:

const messageA = 'a';
const messageB = 'b';

function* Sender() {
  yield messageB;
  yield messageA;
  yield messageA;
  yield messageA;

Array.from(Sender()) // ['b', 'a', 'a', 'a']

To sent a message "abc", run yield "abc";

To receive a message, run const received = yield "abc";

By default, undefined is replied.

A receiver iterates through a generator, receiving messages. It can reply to each message if it wishes.

A reply is asynchronous, sending a message and receiving a reply don’t have to be at the same point in time.

An example of a receiver is Array.from(). It pushes each message onto a new array and returns said array.


  • Send a message
  • Receive a message reply
  • Return a final message
  • Message processor accepts certain messages to solve a problem
  • A message can be a primitive: string, number, symbol
  • A message can be a collection: array, set, map, object
  • A message can be another generator function
function* SomeGenerator() { // name: SomeGenerator
  yield 3.14; // number
  yield "abc"; // string
  yield Symbol("important"); // symbol
  yield [2, 4, 6]; // array of messages
  yield OtherGenerator; // another generator function
  return 100; // final message

function* OtherGenerator() {

Array.from(Sender()) // ['b', 'a', 'a', 'a']

Making an HTML renderer

HTML generators

  • Send a string to be presented
    • Any HTML unsafe characters will be escaped
  • Send a known-to-be-safe HTML string to be presented
    • The string will be left as raw
  • Send another generation function
    • This generation function also yields elements to be presented
  • Send a Promise resolving to one of the above
    • The processing is suspended here until the Promise resolves
    • If the Promise rejects, then the error handler is used

HTML processor

  • Receives a string to be presented
    • If it contains HTML unsafe characters, escape them
    • Write it to the stream
  • Receives a known-to-be-safe HTML string to be presented
    • Write it to the stream
  • Receives another generation function
    • Call the generator function, and process its yielded elements
  • Receive a Promise resolving to one of the above
    • After the Promise resolves, write it to the stream
    • If the Promise rejects, then the error handler is called and its result written to the stream

Making Declarative Graphics

Making a Parser

Parser generators

  • Send a string to be matched
    • If it doesn’t match, then this parser exits
  • Send a regular expression to be matched
    • Replies with an array of matches
    • If it doesn’t match, then this parser exits
  • Send another generation function
    • This generation function also yields elements to be matched
    • Replies with the return value of the generator function
    • If it doesn’t match, then this parser exits
  • Send an array of strings, regular expressions, or generator functions
    • Replies with the first element to match
    • If none match, then this parser exits

Parser processor

  • Receives a string to be matched
    • Checks the received string against the start of our input string
    • If it doesn’t match, then fails
    • The input string has its beginning trimmed up to what matched
  • Receives a regular expression to be matched
    • Matches the regular expression against the start of the input string
    • If it doesn’t match, then fails
    • Replies with the array of matches
    • The input string has its beginning trimmed up to what matched
  • Receives a generation function
    • Call the generator function, and process its yielded elements
    • If it doesn’t match, then fails
    • Replies with the return value of the generator function
  • Receives an array of strings, regular expressions, or generator functions
    • Loops through each element
    • If an element matches, then reply with its matched value
    • If none match, then fails

HTTP Server Generator

function *Health() {
  yield GET`/health`;
  yield json({ success: true });

function* ListAlbums() {
  yield json({ total: 2, items: [{ title: 'Album A' }, { title: 'Album B' }] });

function* AlbumDetails() {
  const [ albumID ] = yield GET`/albums/${String}`;
  yield MustBeAuthenticated;
  yield json;

  const details = yield AlbumRepo.readDetails(albumID);
  yield json(details);

Mapping from countries to capital cities:

function* Countries() {
  yield 'Argentina';
  yield 'Belgium';
  yield 'Australia';
  yield 'Iraq';


function lookupCapitalCities(genCountries) {
  const countriesToCapitalsMap = new Map();

  for (country of genCountries()) {
    const capitalCity = countriesToCapitalsMap.get(country);
function* Countries() {
  const capital1 = yield 'Argentina';
  // 'Buenos Aires'

  const capital2 = yield 'Belgium';
  // 'Brussels'

  const capital3 = yield 'Australia';
  // 'Canberra'

  const capital4 = yield 'Iraq';
  // 'Baghdad'

  return [capital1, capital2, capital3, capital4];

Array.from(lookupCapitalCities(Countries())) // ['Buenos Aires', 'Brussels', 'Canberra', 'Baghdad']