
Nested styles for React components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Customizable styling for React components


npm install react-sow --save


Create the styles you wish to use using sow(). To render based on props, pass a function returning the style rules. Otherwise, just pass the style rules.

You can attach child stylers by using the second parameter.

// styles.js

import sow from 'react-sow';

export const listStyler = sow(({ darkMode }) => ({
	// Styles
	listStyle: 'none',
	backgroundColor: ? darkMode : 'black' : 'white',

export const itemStyler = sow(({ darkMode }) => ({
	display: 'block',
	color: ? darkMode : 'white' : 'black',

In your pure components, accept the prop styler, defaulting it to defaultStyler (imported from 'react-sow/default').

Then on your main component, call and spread styler(), optionally passing props.

// List.js
import React from 'react';
import defaultStyler from 'react-sow/default';

function Item({ title, darkMode, styler = defaultStyler }) {
	return (
		<li { ...styler({ darkMode }) }>
			{ title }

export default function List({ items, darkMode, styler = defaultStyler, itemStyler = defaultStyler }) { 
	return (
	  <ul { ...styler({ darkMode }) }>
		{ items.map(item => (
			<Item { ...item } darkMode={ darkMode } styler={ itemStyler } />
		)) }

Then in your controller components, import your stylers and render your pure components with them.

// ListController.js
import React from 'react';
import List from './List';
import { listStyler, itemStyler } from './styles';

export default React.createClass({
	constructor(props) {
		// State...
	displayName: 'ListController',
	render() {
		const { items, darkMode } = this.state;
		return (
			<List items={ items } darkMode={ darkMode } styler={ listStyler } itemStyler={ itemStyler } />

Combining stylers

import sow from 'react-sow';

const orangeTextStyler = sow({
	color: 'orange'

const largeTextStyler = sow({
	fontSize: '2em'

const headingStyler = sow.combine([

:before and :after support

You can even use :before and :after in stylers, using fallow() This works by lazily creating <style> elements and inserting them into the <head> for you.

import sow from 'react-sow';
import { fallow } from 'react-sow/dom';

const getMakeGreatAgainClass = fallow({
	before: {
		content: 'Make '
	after: {
		content: ' great again'

function Slogan({ subject }) {
	return (
		<h2 className={ getMakeGreatAgainClass() }>
			{ slogan }

You can use fallow with stylers by passing it to the classes style prop:

const makeGreatAgainStyler = sow({
	classes: [getMakeGreatAgainClass],

function Slogan({ subject }) {
	return (
		<h2 { ...makeGreatAgainStyler() }>
			{ slogan }

In fact, you can use any function that returns a class name, or even a string:

var tookRedPill = true;

function getRealityClass() {
	if (tookRedPill) {
		return 'real-world';
	else {
		return 'the-matrix';

const makeGreatAgainStyler = sow({
	classes: [getRealityClass, 'use-crazy-fonts'],

The function could even lazily create a class when rendering, and that in fact is exactly how fallow() works.