Understanding React’s renderToPipeableStream()

Read the renderToPipeableStream() documentation

I made this so I could understand how it works enough to improve the documentation (see PR)

function App({ resource, suspends }) {
  return (
      <head />
        {suspends ? (
          <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading</p>}>
            <Loader />
        ) : (
          <p>Static content</p>

function Loader({ resource }) {
  const value = useResource(resource);
  return <p>{value}</p>;

const resource = createResource();
  <App resource={resource} suspends={suspends} />

What happens when? —

  • When we have just static content (no Suspense)
    • ✅ Client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady() and start piping
      2. onAllReady()
      3. stream closed with no error
      4. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <p>Static content</p>
    • ❌ No client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady()
      2. onAllReady() and start piping
      3. stream closed with no error
      4. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <p>Static content</p>
  • When <App> throws an error
    • ✅ Client-side JavaScript
      1. onError(error)
      2. onShellError(error)
      3. stream closed with no error
      4. no bytes written
    • ❌ No client-side JavaScript
      1. onError(error)
      2. onShellError(error)
      3. onAllReady() and start piping
      4. stream closed with ⚠️ error
      5. no bytes written
  • When content suspends on a resource that succeeds
    • ✅ Client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady() and start piping
      2. onAllReady()
      3. stream closed with no error
      4. writes html with <script>
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <!--$?--><template id="B:0"></template>
      <div hidden id="S:0"><p>Resource loaded</p></div>
        function $RC(a, b) {
          a = document.getElementById(a);
          b = document.getElementById(b);
          if (a) {
            a = a.previousSibling;
            var f = a.parentNode,
              c = a.nextSibling,
              e = 0;
            do {
              if (c && 8 === c.nodeType) {
                var d = c.data;
                if ("/$" === d)
                  if (0 === e) break;
                  else e--;
                else ("$" !== d && "$?" !== d && "$!" !== d) || e++;
              d = c.nextSibling;
              c = d;
            } while (c);
            for (; b.firstChild; ) f.insertBefore(b.firstChild, c);
            a.data = "$";
            a._reactRetry && a._reactRetry();
        $RC("B:0", "S:0");
    • ❌ No client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady()
      2. onAllReady() and start piping
      3. stream closed with no error
      4. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <p>Resource loaded</p>
  • When content suspends and <Loader> throws error
    • ✅ Client-side JavaScript
      1. onError(error)
      2. onShellReady() and start piping
      3. onAllReady()
      4. stream closed with no error
      5. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
    • ❌ No client-side JavaScript
      1. onError(error)
      2. onShellReady()
      3. onAllReady() and start piping
      4. stream closed with no error
      5. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
  • When content suspends on a resource that errors
    • ✅ Client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady() and start piping
      2. onError(error)
      3. onAllReady()
      4. stream closed with no error
      5. writes html with <script>:
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          <!--$?--><template id="B:0"></template>
        function $RX(a) {
          if ((a = document.getElementById(a)))
            (a = a.previousSibling),
              (a.data = "$!"),
              a._reactRetry && a._reactRetry();
    • ❌ No client-side JavaScript
      1. onShellReady()
      2. onError(error)
      3. onAllReady() and start piping
      4. stream closed with no error
      5. writes static html:
      <!DOCTYPE html>


  • Add Error Boundary and see how that changes behavior