
A Telegram Bot to Play Audio in Voice Chats With Youtube and Deezer support. Supports Live streaming from youtube Supports Mega Radio Fm Streamings

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bot To Stream Musics on PyTGcalls with Channel Support.

A Telegram Bot to Play Audio in Voice Chats With Youtube and Deezer support. Supports Live streaming from youtube Supports Mega Radio Fm Streamings

Please fork this repository don't import code
Made with Python3
(C) @shamilhabeebnelli
License -> https://github.com/shamilhabeebnelli/MwK-Musics/blob/master/LICENSE

Deploy to Heroku


Deploy to VPS

git clone https://github.com/shamilhabeebnelli/MwK-Musics
cd MwK-Musics
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# <Create Variables appropriately>
python3 main.py


  1. API_ID : Get From my.telegram.org
  2. API_HASH : Get from my.telegram.org
  3. BOT_TOKEN : @Botfather
  4. SESSION_STRING : Generate From here GenerateStringName
  5. CHAT : ID of Channel/Group where the bot plays Music.
  6. LOG_GROUP : Group to send Playlist, if CHAT is a Group
  7. ADMINS : ID of users who can use admin commands.
  8. ARQ_API : Get it for free from @ARQRobot, This is required for /dplay to work.
  9. STREAM_URL : Stream URL of radio station or a youtube live video to stream when the bot starts or with /r command.

Note This

- Enable the worker after deploy the project to Heroku
- Bot will starts radio automatically in given `CHAT` with given `STREAM_URL` after deploy.(24*7 Music even if heroku restarts, radio stream restarts automatically.)  
- To play a song use /p as a reply to audio file or a youtube link.
- Use /p <song name> to play song from youtube and /d <song name> to play from Deezer.
- Use /help to know about other commands.


- Playlist, queue
- Supports Live streaming from youtube
- Supports both deezer and youtube to search songs.
- Play from telegram file supported.
- Starts Radio after if no songs in playlist.
- Automatically downloads audio for the first two tracks in the playlist to ensure smooth playing
- Automatic restart even if heroku restarts.


• callsmusic
• Inuka
• Subinps
• Rojserbest
• PyTGcalls


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