Log dasboard

Allow to monitor input http request. Display several stats about the most section hit, number request per second and a raw list of section found.

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Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Before starting make sure you have below packages installed:

  • go version go1.13.1 linux/amd64 Optional:
  • Docker version 18.09.7


First, make sure your gitlab profil have a ssh key to allow clone

$ git clone git@github.com:Royalsspirit/dd-dm.git



You can run the project thanks to Makefile and docker by tyiping:

$ make up

It will take a locafile.log by default and a threshold of 10.

You can also override these values:

$ make up threshold=20 logfile=/tmp/access.log


You can find some help by typing:

$ make help

It should display:

  -logfile string
    	a path of log file wanted to monitoring (default "./localfile.log")
  -threshold string
    	a threshold request per second (default "10")

If you don't want to use Makefile, you can also build binary as usually then run it:

$ go build -o ./bin/dd-monitoring ./cmd/cli && ./bin/dd-monitoring -threshold 20 -logfile /tmp/access.log

Running the tests

$ make test

Built With

  • termUi - Golang terminal dashboard
  • standard layoug - Standard Go Project Layout
  • daemon-golang - A daemon package for use with Go (golang) services with no dependencies
  • fsnotify - Cross-platform file system notifications for Go


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.