
Node.js package to convert query parameters into a mongodb query criteria and options

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node.js package to convert query parameters into a mongo query criteria and options

For example, a query such as: name=john&age>21&fields=name,age&sort=name,-age&offset=10&limit=10 becomes the following hash:

  criteria: {
    name: 'john',
    age: { $gt: 21 }
  options: {
    fields: { name: true, age: true },
    sort: { name: 1, age: -1 },
    offset: 10,
    limit: 10

The resulting query object can be used as parameters for a mongo collection query:

var q2m = require('query-to-mongo')
var mongoskin = require('mongoskin')
var db = mongoskin.db('mongodb://localhost:27027/mydb')
var collection = db.collection('mycollection')
var query = q2m('name=john&age>13&limit=20')
collection.find(query.criteria, query.options).toArray(function(err, results) {


queryToMongo(query, options)

Convert the query portion of a url to a mongo query.

var queryToMongo = require('query-to-mongo')
var query = queryToMongo('name=john&age>21&limit=10')
{ criteria: { name: 'john', age: { '$gt': 21 } },
  options: { limit: 10 },
  links: [Function] }


  • maxLimit The maximum limit (default is none)
  • ignore List of criteria to ignore in addition to those used for query options ("fields", "sort", "offset", "limit")
  • parser Query parser to use instead of querystring. Must implement parse(string) and stringify(obj).


  • criteria Mongo query criteria.
  • options Mongo query options.
  • links Function to calculate relative links.
links(url, totalCount)

Calculate relative links given the base url and totalCount. Can be used to populate the express response links.

var queryToMongo = require('query-to-mongo')
var query = queryToMongo('name=john&age>21&offset=20&limit=10')
console.log(query.links('http://localhost/api/v1/users', 100))
{ prev: 'http://localhost/api/v1/users?name=john&age%3E21=&offset=10&limit=10',
  first: 'http://localhost/api/v1/users?name=john&age%3E21=&offset=0&limit=10',
  next: 'http://localhost/api/v1/users?name=john&age%3E21=&offset=30&limit=10',
  last: 'http://localhost/api/v1/users?name=john&age%3E21=&offset=90&limit=10' }


The module is intended for use by express routes, and so takes a parsed query as input:

var querystring = require('querystring')
var q2m = require('query-to-mongo')
var query = 'name=john&age>21&fields=name,age&sort=name,-age&offset=10&limit=10'
var q = q2m(querystring.parse(query))

This makes it easy to use in an express route:

router.get('/api/v1/mycollection', function(req, res, next) {
  var q = q2m(res.query);

The format for arguments was inspired by item #7 in this article about best practices for RESTful APIs.

Field selection

The fields argument is a comma separated list of field names to include in the results. For example fields=name,age results in a option.fields value of {'name':true,'age':true}. If no fields are specified then option.fields is null, returning full documents as results.


The sort argument is a comma separated list of fields to sort the results by. For example sort=name,-age results in a option.sort value of {'name':1,'age':-1}. If no sort is specified then option.sort is null and the results are not sorted.


The offset and limit arguments indicate the subset of the full results to return. By default, the full results are returned. If limit is set and the total count is obtained for the query criteria, pagination links can be generated:

collection.count(q.query, function(err, count) {
  var links = q.links('http://localhost/api/v1/mycollection', count)

For example, if offset was 20, limit was 10, and count was 95, the following links would be generated:

   'prev': 'http://localhost/api/v1/mycollection?offset=10&limit=10',
   'first': `http://localhost/api/v1/mycollection?offset=0&limit=10`,
   'next': 'http://localhost/api/v1/mycollection?offset=30&limit=10',
   'last': 'http://localhost/api/v1/mycollection?offset=90&limit=10'

These pagination links can be used to populate the express response links.


Any query parameters other then fields, sort, offset, and limit are interpreted as query criteria. For example name=john&age>21 results in a criteria value of:

  'name': 'john',
  'age': { $gt: 21 }
  • Supports standard comparison operations (=, !=, >, <, >=, <=).
  • Numeric values, where Number(value) != NaN, are compared as numbers (ie., field=10 yields {field:10}).
  • Values of true and false are compared as booleans (ie., {field:true})
  • Values that are dates are compared as dates (except for YYYY which matches the number rule).
  • Multiple equals comparisons are merged into a $in operator. For example, id=a&id=b yields {id:{$in:['a','b']}}.
  • Multiple not-equals comparisons are merged into a $nin operator. For example, id!=a&id!=b yields {id:{$nin:['a','b']}}.
  • Comma separated values in equals or not-equals yeild an $in or $nin operator. For example, id=a,b yields {id:{$in:['a','b']}}.

A note on embedded documents

Comparisons on embedded documents should use mongo's dot notation instead of express's 'extended' query parser (Use foo.bar=value instead of foo[bar]=value).

Although exact matches are handled for either method, comparisons (such as foo[bar]!=value) are not supported because the 'extended' parser expects an equals sign after the nested object reference; if it's not an equals the remainder is discarded.


  • Add support for $exists. Arguments w/o a value (ie., foo&bar=10) would yield {'foo':{$exists:true}, 'bar':...}; prefixed with not(!) (ie., !foo&bar=10) would yield {'foo': {$exists: false}, 'bar': ...}.
  • Add support for $regex. Values with slashes (field=/pattern/) would result in {'field':{$regex: /pattern/}}. Don't forget case-insensitive patterns (/pattern/i).
  • Add support for forced string comparison; value in quotes (field='10') would force a string compare. Should allow for string with embedded comma (field='a,b').