Symfony flex should do the configuration automatically. So step 2 and 3 are normally not needed.
$ composer require rozbehsharahi/netgen-headless-bundle
// This package has no release yet, so you will need to install like following in fact:
$ composer require rozbehsharahi/netgen-headless-bundle:dev-main
In case symfony flex is missing something, check the following steps:
// add to bundles.php
Overblog\GraphQLBundle\OverblogGraphQLBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Rs\NetgenHeadlessBundle\NetgenHeadlessBundle::class => ['all' => true],
resource: "@OverblogGraphQLBundle/Resources/config/routing/graphql.yml"
prefix: '' // add here a prefix for graphql in case you don't want graphql to register on `/`
// Please replace http://localhost with your host in case it is not localhost
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "query": "{ sayHello }" }' http://localhost/graphql/netgen
Notice that this bundle serves a separated schema. Therefore, please do not forget to append the schema netgen
to your graphql endpoint:
GraphIQL is a nice way to discover what this bundle offers. Symfony Flex should configure your application automatically. Therefore, step 2 & 3 are normally not needed.
composer require --dev overblog/graphiql-bundle
// config/bundles.php
Overblog\GraphiQLBundle\OverblogGraphiQLBundle::class => ['dev' => true],
// config/routes/dev/graphiql.yaml
resource: "@OverblogGraphiQLBundle/Resources/config/routing.xml"
Now you can browse to http://localhost/graphiql/netgen
Notice: Please do not forget to add the schema /netgen
to your graphiql route.
This package provides a graphql endpoint which depending on the configuration made can be reached
for instance.
layout(search: { request: { uri: "/hello-world" } }) {
id # receive id
json # receive json of whole layout
zones {
identifier # receive identifier
json # receive json of zone
This is a self-contained bundle containing also a test application in Tests/Application
I developed this on my own docker-compose base repository:
. Feel free to use
your this as well or your own setup.
// In root dir call:
git clone
// Create an empty .doka.env as described on and add:
// Start docker env
doka/compose up -d
// Enter docker-container and run tests
// If you don't want to have db created all over again, you can create a file (git ignored) on root directory called `fast-tests`
touch fast-tests
# enter cli
# run once, whenever you call this you will have a clean and empty db again.
# Now go to
App: http://localhost:8080
Netgen Layouts: http://localhost:8080/nglayouts/admin (User: root, Password: root)
Graphql: http://localhost:8080/graphql/netgen
Graphiql: http://localhost:8080/graphiql/netgen