This is the last homework assignment of the quarter!
Please put your completed app inside the "homework" folder.
Create a Rails application that demonstrates a one-to-many model association as shown:
Click Here To See the Meetup App
- The appearance/styling of your app doesn't matter.
- The mechanics and business rules of your app should match those found in the Meetup App.
- Your home page should show the list of events.
- Create two resources: events and venues.
- A venue has a name and address.
- An event has a title, date and time, and venue.
- HINT: Rails supports "datetime" as a column type when you generate your model/resource/scaffold that can store the date and time together in a single column.
- A venue holds many events over time.
- An event can only take place at one venue.
- The list of venues must be shown in alphabetical order, both in the master list of venues as well as in any selection lists.
- Each model must have at least one validation rule.
- The UI should display validation error messages if the user tries to save invalid data.
- You should use an application layout to provide a header area with global navigation links that are shared across every page.
- Model associations are best implemented in the models themselves.
- You'll have to figure out which model gets the foreign key.
- You can use the has_many and belongs_to methods in your models if you want.
- Avoid putting any explicit where clauses or find_by_id calls in your views.
- The collection_select helper method can be tricky. There's an example in the code folder as well as in the model association PDF on the course website.