2018 SKA Internship Projects

This is a repo to collect all the progress during 2018 SKA Internship Projects.

Please contribute, whether it is progress, content, editing or even suggestions.

How to use

There are several step you should do before submit your progress.

Step 1

Access or https://github.com/SHAO-SKA/2018-ska-internship, then Fork to your own repo, here I support your username is hello. Please replace hello by your own name in the following operations

Step 2

You should first clone this repo in method 1 or 2, both works.

Method 1:

git clone https://github.com/hello/2018-ska-internship

Method 2:

git clone

The different is you can using method2 just in SHAO.

Step 3

Create you own directory structure, you can just using the following command and then add your own change.

cd 2018-ska-internship
cp -rv test hello

Then you can do your own work in your own directory. Adding source code or some result.

Then commit it to your own repo.

For example ,if you modify a file name hello/log/log20180720.txt, Then do the following command

git pull
git add hello/log/log20180720.txt
git commit -m "What you had modified"
git push

Step 4

Create a new pull-requests/merge-request to the 2018-ska-internship.

Then the admin will merge it every day.


Any problems, please contact your own mentor.
