Serverless Student Portal with Terraform

This project deploys the backend of student-portal with Terraform.

Stack deployed

  • Cognito UserPool
  • DynamoDB Table
  • Lambda function with API
  • IAM Role for Lambda
  • API Gateway that invokes the API Lambda function
  • CodeBuild project
  • CodePipeline which:
    • Monitors frontend repo as a source
    • Builds the repo with environment variables from the stack
    • Deploys the build into a s3 bucket
  • CloudFront Distribution for the s3 bucket


$ terraform init
$ terraform apply

Student Portal


  • Allow Super Admin User to log in

  • Allow Super Admin User to create Faculty Users

  • Allow Faculty Users to create other Faculty Users

  • Allow Faculty Users to create Student User Account with Department and Class No.

  • Allow Faculty Users to update Student User Account with Class No

  • Allow Students to log in and check their current Department and Class No

  • Allow Faculty Users to Add/Edit Student detail with “key/value” like combinations

  • For example, they can set these detail

  • Key: “Semester 1 Result”, Value: JSON object data

  • Key: “Year 1 Report”, Value: JSON object data

  • Key: “Workshop ABC Report” Value: JSON object data

  • Students can log in and check all the detail created for their user and view the UI

  • Students CAN ONLY VIEW the detail, they can not modify the data

  • Faculty members can ADD/UPDATE/VIEW detail for any student based on the Student ID or Email address

AWS Services

  • Amazon Cognito

    • To create user accounts with Cognito Group assignment
  • Amazon Lambda

    • To run the NodeJS code to interact with DynamoDB
  • Amazon DynamoDB

    • To save the Student detail
  • AWS S3

    • To host the UI for interacting with the system