Selenium Python Application Dockerization

This example project demonstrates the process of dockerizing a Selenium Python application along with the compatible Chromedriver.

Project Overview

The project is a simple Selenium Python script that scrapes Wikipedia search results. The script prompts the user for a search query, opens Wikipedia, performs the search, and retrieves the first two paragraphs of text from the search result.

The script also serves as an example of on how we can use the Selenium Python script in headless/non-headless mode with/without docker.

The Dockerfile in this project serves as an example to dockerise a selenium based project.

Dockerization Steps

Follow these steps to dockerize the Selenium Python application:

Step 1: Clone the Repository

git clone
cd selenium-docker-example

Step 2: Build the Docker Image

docker build -t seleniumDockerised .

Step 3: Run the Docker Container

docker run -it --rm seleniumDockerised

This command starts the container in interactive mode and removes it after execution.

Step 4: Enter Search Query

Once the container is running, enter your Wikipedia search query as prompted.

Step 5: View Results

The script will execute the search, retrieve the first two paragraphs of text, and display them.

Chromedriver Compatibility

If the provided Dockerfile fails to download the correct Chromedriver version for the latest Chrome version, you can find compatible Chromedriver executable download links from ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome. In such a case, replace the Chromedriver download link in the Dockerfile with the actual download link.

RUN wget -O /tmp/

# Link in this line needs to be replaced in Dockerfile

Note: Ensure compatibility by matching the Chrome and Chromedriver versions.

Feel free to modify and extend this project based on your specific requirements.

Happy Dockerizing!