
Quickly scaffold React frontend for GraphQL APIs that use AWS Amplify backend

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Quickly scaffold React frontend for GraphQL APIs that use AWS Amplify backend

Research notes:

Auto generate a CRA app for each type: (similar to JHipster) List with page, sort, filter, link Details with images Edit and create Takes care of login Image view or document view Use Amplify CSS styles/UI components (login/images...)

React CRUD + Search:


type Picture @model @auth(rules: [{allow: owner}]) { id: ID! name: String owner: String visibility: Visibility file: S3Object createdAt: String }

type S3Object { bucket: String! region: String! key: String! }

enum Visibility { public private }

GUI examples: Table with Bootstrap:

React file upload:

Potential screens: alt text

alt text

alt text alt text