
Turn on the CORS by Feng Shui... maybe 🙃


Turn on the CORS by Feng Shui... maybe 🙃


  • Easy and clear to use
  • Does not use add_header into if (therefore, your headers will not be lost)
  • Configurable and flexibility



cd /usr/local/etc/nginx/
git clone git@github.com:RubaXa/nginx-cors.git

Hot to use

cd /usr/local/etc/nginx/
vim ./cors-enabled.conf

1. Create ./cors.setup.conf

CORS confirugration

# If in your project setted larger, then this directive is not required
map_hash_bucket_size 256;

# Setup the $cors_path variable
map $request_uri $cors_path {
  ~^(?<path>[^?]+) $path;

# Convert Endpoints to CORS service
map "$scheme://$host$cors_path" $cors_service {
  "https://api.project.com/user/info" "cors.service.user-info";
  ~^https:\/\/api.auth.project.com\/(login|logout)$ "cors.service.auth";
  default "<<unknown>>";

# Convert Origin to CORS client
map "$http_origin" $cors_client {
  # "cors.client.foo" or "cors.client.bar";
  ~^https:\/\/(foo|bar)\.client\.com$ "cors.client.$1";
  default "<<unknown>>";

# Turn on CORS by client and service map
map "$cors_client -> $cors_service" $cors_enabled {
  # Access for 'foo' client
  "cors.client.foo -> cors.service.auth"      "true";
  "cors.client.foo -> cors.service.user-info" "true";

  # Access for 'bar' client
  "cors.client.bar -> cors.service.auth" "true";

2. Enable CORS on any endpoint

http {
  # 1️⃣Setup CORS for all services (!)
  include 'cors.setup.conf';

  server {
    listen 80;
    server_name api.project.com;

    location /user/info {
      # 2️⃣Enable CORS without credentials/cookies (!!)
      include 'nginx-cors/cors.conf';

  server {
    listen 80;
    server_name api.auth.project.com;

    location ~/(login|logout) {
      # 3️⃣ Enable CORS with credentials/cookies (!!!)
      set $cors_allow_credentials "true";
      include 'nginx-cors/cors.conf';

OR without cors service/client (not recommended, see compare)

location /api/user/exists {
  if ($http_origin = 'https://client.com') {
    set $cors_enabled 'true';
  include 'nginx-cors/cors.conf';


See detail in source: cors.conf

Please send a PR if you know how to make it more beautiful and correctly.



Classical bugy way 💩

  • It's hard to read who exactly enabled CORS
  • It is easy to make a mistake in RegExp
  • If there is an add_header inside, it will not work
location ~ '/api/auth/(login|logout)' {
  if ($http_origin ~ '^https?://(about|company|account)\.(((alpha|beta|omega)\.))?test\.)?)?business\.com$')
    set $cors 'enabled';

  add_header X-My-Header "true"; # it will not work 🐞

  if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') {
    set $cors "preflight-${cors}";

  if ($cors = 'preflight-enabled') {
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers "...";
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "...";
    add_header Access-Control-Expose-Headers "X-My-Header";
    return 204;

  if ($cors = 'enabled') {
    add_header X-My-Header "true"; # but here it will work (1)
    add_header Access-Control-Allow-Origin $http_origin;

  # bla-bla-bla

True way 👍

  • Easy to read and maintain.
  • Flexible configuration
  • Operating not at the RegExp level, but client -> service
# Setup the $cors_path variable
map $request_uri $cors_path {
  ~^(?<path>[^?]+) $path;

# Convert endpoints to CORS service
map "$scheme://$host$cors_path" $cors_service {
  ~^https:\/\/project.com/api/(login|logout)$ "cors.service.auth";
  default "<<unknown>>";

# Convert Origin to CORS client
map "$http_origin" $cors_client {
  # Yes, it would be possible to write in one regexp, but it is much more readable and more flexible.
  # In addition, you need to list subdomains! Why so? See next `map` ;]
  ~^https:\/\/([^\.]+)\.business\.com$" "cors.client.business.$1";
  ~^https:\/\/([^\.]+)\.test\.business\.com$" "cors.client.business.$1";
  ~^https:\/\/([^\.]+)\.(alpha|beta|omega)\.test\.business\.com$" "cors.client.business.$1";
  default "<<unknown>>";

# Turn on CORS by client and service map
map "$cors_client -> $cors_service" $cors_enabled {
  # And now we can clearly and elegantly include rights
  # based on the "$cors_client" and the "$cors_service" to which "client" invoke!
  "cors.client.business.about -> cors.service.auth"   "false";
  "cors.client.business.company -> cors.service.auth" "true";
  "cors.client.business.account -> cors.service.auth" "true";
  default "false";


location ~ '/api/auth/(login|logout)' {
  add_header X-My-Header "true"; # It's work! 🎉
  set $cors_allow_expose_headers "X-My-Header";
  include "ngxin-cors/cors.conf";