
Wormhole — it's better EventEmitter for communication between tabs with supporting Master/Slave.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


It's better EventEmitter for communication between tabs with supporting Master/Slave.

npm i --save-dev wormhole.js


Basic example

import wormhole from 'wormhole.js'; // yes, with ".js", it's not mistake

// All tabs
wormhole().on('coords', (x, y) => {
	console.log(x, y);

// Some tab
wormhole().emit('coords', [5, 10]);

// Master tab
if (wormhole().master) {
	// ..

wormhole().on('master', () => {

One connection on WebSocket for all tabs

Module wormhole.js/ws implements WebSocket-like interface: https://rubaxa.github.io/wormhole/?ws=y

import WS from 'wormhole.js/ws';

// Create WebScoket (wormhole-socket)
const socket = new WS('ws://echo.websocket.org'); // OR new WS('...', null, hole);

socket.onopen = () => console.log('Connected');
socket.onmessage = ({data}) => console.log('Received:', data);

// Unique event
socket.onmaster = () => {
	console.log('Yes, I\'m master!');

// Some tab
socket.send({foo: 'bar'})

// All tabs:
//  "Received:" {foo: 'bar'}

CORS example

  1. Create a subdomain, ex.: http://wormhole.youdomain.com/;
  2. Copy-paste universal.html and wormhole.js into root;
  3. Check access http://wormhole.youdomain.com/universal.html;
  4. Profit:
// http://foo.youdomain.com/
import {Universal} from 'wormhole.js';
const hole = new Universal('http://wormhole.youdomain.com/universal.html');

hole.on('data', (data) => {

// http://bar.youdomain.com/
import {Universal} from 'wormhole.js';
const hole = new Universal('http://wormhole.youdomain.com/universal.html');

hole.emit('data', 'any data');

Master/slave example

import wormhole from 'wormhole.js';

// All tabs (main.js)
// Define remote command (master)
wormhole()['get-data'] = (function (_cache) {
	return function getData(req, callback) {
		if (!_cache.hasOwnProperty(req.url)) {
			_cache[req.url] = fetch(req.url).then(res => res.json());

		return _cache[key];

// Get remote data method
function getData(url) {
	return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
		// Calling command on master (from slave... or the master, is not important)
			'get-data', // command
			{url}, // arguments
			(err, json) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(json) // callback(err, result)

// I'm master!
wormhole().on('master', () => {
	// some code

// Tab #X
getData('/path/to/api').then((json) => {
	// Send ajax request

// Tab #Y
getData('/path/to/api').then((result) => {
	// From master cache


	.on('peers', (peers) => {
		console.log('ids:', peers); // ['tab-id-1', 'tab-id-2', ..]
	.on('peers:add', (id) => {
		// ..
	.on('peers:remove', (id) => {
		// ..

Executing the command on master

// Register command (all tabs)
wormhole()['foo'] = (data, next) => {
	// bla-bla-bla
	next(null, data.reverse()); // or `next('error')`

// Calling the command (some tab)
wormhole().call('foo', [1, 2, 3], (err, results) => {
	console.log(results); // [3, 2, 1]


  • Emitter — Micro event emitter
  • cors — Handy wrapper over postMessage.
  • store — Safe and a handy wrapper over localStorage.


Micro event emitter.

  • on(type:String, fn:Function):this
  • off(type:String, fn:Function):this
  • emit(type:String[, args:*|Array]):this
import {Emitter} from 'wormhole.js';

const obj = Emitter.apply({}); // or new wormhole.Emitter();

obj.on('foo', () => {

obj.emit('foo'); // []
obj.emit('foo', 1); // [1]
obj.emit('foo', [1, 2, 3]); // [1, 2, 3]


Handy wrapper over postMessage.

import {cors} from 'wormhole.js';

// Main-document
cors.on('data', (data) => {
	console.log('Received:', data);

cors['some:command'] = (value) => value * 2;

// IFrame
cors(parent).send({foo: 'bar'});
// [main-document] "Received:" {foo: 'bar'}

cors(parent).call('some:command', 3, (err, result) => {
	console.log('Error:', err, 'Result:', result);
	// [iframe] "Error:" null "Result:" 6


Safe and a handy wrapper over localStorage.

  • get(key:String):*
  • set(key:String, value:*)
  • remove(key:String)
  • on(type:String, fn:Function)
  • off(type:String, fn:Function)
import {store} from 'wormhole.js';

store.on('change', (key, data) => {
	console.log('change -> ', key, data);

store.on('change:prop', (key, value) => {
	console.log('change:prop -> ', key, value);

store.set('foo', {bar: 'baz'});
// change -> foo {bar: 'baz'}

store.set('prop', {qux: 'ok'});
// change -> prop {qux: 'ok'}
// change:prop -> prop {qux: 'ok'}



A universally unique identifier (UUID) is an identifier standard used in software construction, standardized by the Open Software Foundation (OSF) as part of the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) (c) wiki.

wormhole.debounce(fn:Function, delay:Number[, immediate:Boolean]):Function

Creates and returns a new debounced version of the passed function that will postpone its execution until after wait milliseconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked.


  • npm test
  • npm run dev — run dev watcher
  • npm run build