Download videos from file m3u8

Have just test on Ubuntu using nodejs

  • The first download this source or using git clone
  • cd to this source
  • change the folder to save, and link to download
    var baseUrl = "http://test/chn/DNG7/";
    var folder = "YOUR_FOLDER_TO_SAVE_FILE";
    var request = http.request('http://test/v.m3u8', function (res) {

  • Run nodejs command , npm install
  • Run to download by : node index.js
  • after download done, cd to videos download folder
  • Run "cat * > file_video.ts"

  • Convert to mp4 : ffmpeg -i file_video.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy file_video.mp4
cat * > file_video.ts
now=$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M_")
ffmpeg -i file_video.ts -acodec copy -vcodec copy "$now$result.mp4"
rm *.ts
mv *.mp4 ../

Now, You can open file_video.ts by VLC

Some command to crop video and extract to photos

## Crop video with ffmpeg
* 319:316 : is position you want to crop
* 800:450 : is size you want to crop
ffmpeg -i 201709291654_DNG13.mp4 -filter:v "crop=800:450:319:316" 201709291654_DNG13_out.mp4
## Also you can see preview by
ffplay -i 201709291654_DNG13.mp4 -vf "crop=800:450:319:316"
## To extract image from video using vlc command.
vlc "FILE.mp4" --video-filter=scene --vout=dummy --start-time=0 --stop-time=960 --scene-ratio=10 --scene-path="WHERE_IS_YOU_WANT_TO_SAVE" vlc://quit