
Generator Entity Framework Core source code models

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to generate Entity Framework Core model from an existing database.

Build status

NuGet Version


  • Entity Framework Core database first model generation
  • Safe regeneration via region replacement
  • Safe Renaming via mapping file parsing
  • Optionally generate read, create and update models from entity
  • Optionally generate validation and object mapper classes


Entity Framework Core Generator documentation is available via Read the Docs

More information about packaging a dotnet tool : https://www.meziantou.net/2018/06/11/how-to-publish-a-dotnet-global-tool-with-dotnet-core-2-1

NuGet package

Create NuGet package

After bug fixing/adding change request to the EntityFrameworkCore.Generator tool, make sure you bump the version number. Modify the properties of the EntityFrameworkCore.Generator project + modify version.props.

If the version number is updated, you can run the following command in the console (workpath = solution folder):

dotnet pack EntityFrameworkCore.Generator.sln --configuration Release

Upload NuGet package to feed

Follow the steps shown in https://dev.azure.com///_packaging?_a=feed&feed= + click on "connect to feed"

nuget.exe push -ConfigFile nuget.config -Source "sourcename" -ApiKey az EntityFrameworkCore.Generator.1.4.0.nupkg


To install EntityFrameworkCore.Generator tool, run the following command in the console

dotnet tool install --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator


If you receive an error saying

Unable to load the service index for source https://.../nuget/v3/index.json
Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized)

You can try the steps explained here: https://marcstan.net/blog/2018/09/22/Global-tools-in-.Net-Core/

Or, you can download the NuGet package and try (see also dotnet/sdk#13429)

dotnet tool install --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator --add-source C:\<folder where .nupkg file is stored> --version x.y.0

dotnet tool install --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator --add-source C:\Projects

If you still receive the 401 response status, try to remove the package source in Visual Studio under Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Settings > Package Sources.

This bug should be fixed in .NET Core SDK 3.0 : https://github.com/dotnet/cli/issues/10701

After installation

Verify correct installation via

dotnet tool list --global

After the tool has been installed, the efg6 command line will be available. Run efg6 --help for command line options

Update new version of this tool

To update EntityFrameworkCore.Generator tool, you can run the following command in the console (workpath doesn't matter):

dotnet tool update --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator

Or, you can download the NuGet package and try

dotnet tool update --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator --add-source C:\<folder where .nupkg file is stored>

dotnet tool update --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator --add-source C:\Projects

Uninstall this tool

To uninstall EntityFrameworkCore.Generator tool, run the following command in the console

dotnet tool uninstall --global EntityFrameworkCore.Generator

Generate Command

Entity Framework Core Generator (efg6) creates source code files from a database schema. To generate the files with no configuration, run the following

efg6 generate -c <ConnectionString>

Replace <ConnectionString> with a valid database connection string.

Generation Output

The generate command will create the follow files and directory structure by default. The root directory defaults to the current working directory. Most of the output names and locations can be customized in the configuration file

Data Context Output

The EntityFramework DbContext file will be created in the root directory.

Entities Output

The entities directory will contain the generated source file for entity class representing each table.

Mapping Output

The mapping directory contains a fluent mapping class to map each entity to its table.

Initialize Command

The initialize command is used to create the configuration yaml file and optionally set the connection string. The configuration file has many options to configure the generated output. See the configuration file documentation for more details.

The following command will create an initial generation.yaml configuration file as well as setting a user secret to store the connection string.

efg6 initialize -c <ConnectionString>

When a generation.yaml configuration file exists, you can run efg6 generate in the same directory to generate the source using that configuration file.


Entity Framework Core Generator supports safe regeneration via region replacement and source code parsing. A typical workflow for a project requires many database changes and updates. Being able to regenerate the entities and associated files is a huge time saver.

Region Replacement

All the templates output a region on first generation. On future regeneration, only the regions are replaced. This keeps any other changes you've made to the source file.

Example of a generated entity class

public partial class Status
    public Status()
        #region Generated Constructor
        Tasks = new HashSet<Task>();

    #region Generated Properties
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }

    public int DisplayOrder { get; set; }

    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

    public DateTimeOffset Created { get; set; }

    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

    public DateTimeOffset Updated { get; set; }

    public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

    public Byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }

    #region Generated Relationships
    public virtual ICollection<Task> Tasks { get; set; }

When the generate command is re-run, the Generated Constructor, Generated Properties and Generated Relationships regions will be replace with the current output of the template. Any other changes outside those regions will be safe.

Source Parsing

In order to capture and preserve Entity, Property and DbContext renames, the generate command parses any existing mapping and DbContext class to capture how things are named. This allows you to use the full extend of Visual Studio's refactoring tools to rename things as you like. Then, when regenerating, those changes won't be lost.

Database Providers

Entity Framework Core Generator supports the following databases.

  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Sqlite

The provider can be set via command line or via the configuration file.

Set via command line

efg6 generate -c <ConnectionString> -p <Provider>

Set in configuration file

  connectionString: 'Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=Tracker;Integrated Security=True'
  provider: SqlServer

Database Schema

The database schema is loaded from the metadata model factory implementation of IDatabaseModelFactory. Entity Framework Core Generator uses the implemented interface from each of the supported providers similar to how ef dbcontext scaffold works.

View Models

Entity Framework Core Generator supports generating Read, Create and Update view models from an entity. Many projects rely on view models to shape data. The model templates can be used to quickly get the basic view models created. The model templates also support regeneration so any database change can easily be sync'd to the view models.

Change Log

Version 5.0

  • add support for navigation property renames
  • update generated query methods to support CancellationToken
  • add support for temporal tables
  • add regex clean support for table and column names

Version 4.5

  • add support for nullable reference types

Version 4.0

  • upgrade projects to .net 6

Version 3.1

  • Breaking change to generated mapping constants
    • TableName is now Table.Name
    • TableSchema is now Table.Schema
    • Column{Name} is now Columns.{Name}
  • add additional automapper for read model to update model

Version 3.0

  • Add Table.Name and Table.Schema variable support in yaml configuration.
  • Add entity name option to control the name of the entity. Leave blank to use previous generate logic. Set under the entity -> name yaml settings.
  • Add exclude table support. Set under the database -> exclude yaml settings.
  • Include and Exclude expression can now be exact or regex. When exact, will be direct string match. When regex, will use regular expression to match. Default is regex for legacy support.

Version 2.5

  • Add external script template support
  • Misc bug fixes

Version 2.0

  • Add support for Entity Framework Core 3.0
  • Add provider support for PostgreSQL, MySQL and Sqlite
  • Add View support

Version 1.1

  • Add alias to commands, can use efg6 gen for efg6 generate and efg6 init for efg6 initialize
  • Fix bug where base class for Entity was placed in wrong location
  • Fix misc sorting issue that caused needless source control changes