WCF streaming with pipes and tees

Example/Playground application for forwarding data streams using WCF.


  • Stream sender: client that sends a stream of large data (a file of several MB's)

    • file being sent is a .rar, .zip, .7zip, .tar archive containing multiple files
  • Stream forwarder: service that receives a stream and forwards it to the receiver

    • create a pipe between forwarder and receiver + forward the incoming stream to the receiver via this pipe
    • save incoming stream as .rar file on the filesystem of the forwarder
    • create a pipe towards the filesystem of the forwarder + extract files from incoming .rar file on the filesystem of the forwarder < above actions are ASYNC >
  • Stream receiver: service that receives a stream from the forwarder < via pipe from forwarder >

    • save incoming stream as .rar file on the filesystem of the receiver
    • create a pipe towards the filesystem of the receiver + extract files from incoming .rar file on the filesystem of the receiver < above actions are ASYNC >