
This .NET version 5 application allows employees of a library to manage their inventory of books in a user-friendly manner and store their data in a SQL database. This is the live demo for the learning project built in the Udemy course "End to End ASP.NET Core API and Blazor Development".

Primary LanguageC#

BookStore Web App

This .NET version 5 application allows employees of a library to manage their inventory of books in a user-friendly manner and store their data in a SQL database. This is the live demo for the learning project built in the Udemy course "End to End ASP.NET Core API and Blazor Development".

To get started go to the Log in page and log in with one of the demo accounts, then you can perform CRUD operations on the 'Authors' and 'Books' tables.

Link to live demo
Link to GitHub repo
Link to course


Front end

  • Blazor, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 4 and a little sprinkle of JavaScript

Back end

  • REST API: ASP.NET Controllers
  • Authentication and authorization: ASP.NET Core Identity


  • Microsoft SQL


  • Microsoft Azure

Features and miscellaneous information

  • Fully data driven REST Web API using cutting edge technology
  • Single Page Application client side UI using Blazor Server AND Blazor WebAssembly
  • Connection to an existing Database using Entity Framework Core
  • Repository Pattern and Dependency Injection
  • Progressive Web Application with Blazor
  • Logging using NLog
  • API documentation using SwaggerUI
  • App tries to adhere to REST design principles
  • User Authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
  • JSON Web Tokens caching using Local Browser Storage
  • Blazor Application User Authentication State
  • Consuming the REST Web API in a Blazor Application
  • Using Models, DTOs and AutoMapper
  • Setup GitHub for Source Control
  • Migrated from .NET Core 3.1 to .NET 5
  • Applications and Database deployed to Microsoft Azure