RandomGen Support

Support for RandomGen.


Syntax highlight


Lists: this image shows a list named '$list' colored blue which contains three elements colored white. TRANSCRIPT $list newline element newline different element END TRANSCRIPT

Additions and roots

Additions: this image shows a list called '$+list', the plus is colored purple. TRANSCRIPT $+list newline added element END TRANSCRIPT

Roots: this image shows a list called '$>root', the greater than sign is colored purple. TRANSCRIPT $>root newline [interpolated] newline [percentaged] {25%} END TRANSCRIPT


Settings: this image shows purple-colored '$name' and '$author'. TRANSCRIPT $name : Some random generator newline $author : RubenVerg END TRANSCRIPT


Percentages: this image shows three elements of a list with light green percentages: {15%}, {15%} and {5%}. TRANSCRIPT $percentaged newline fifteen {15%} newline also fifteen {15%} newline rare {5%} END TRANSCRIPT


Interpolations: this image shows a list with three elements, the first has an orange interpoation with red brackets, the second has two inline strings separated by a red pipe, the third has nested interpolations. Not transcripted due to markdown limitations.

Special interpolations and keywords

This image is just an example of what follows and can be ignored.

Special interpolations (colored purple, SRs!)
  • [a]
  • [an]
  • [===]
  • [*DEBUG ON*]
  • [*DEBUG OFF*]
  • [s]
Keywords to be appended with a comma, (colored yellow, SRs!)
  • first part
  • middle part
  • last part
  • hidden
  • unique
  • mundane
  • title
  • lower
  • compress
  • written

Tags: this image shows a list element with an interpolation, inside the brackets are the list identifier and a blue ',#el'. TRANSCRIPT tagged [list,#el] END TRANSCRIPT


Comments: this image shows a comment marked by a starting double-slash. TRANSCRIPT // Hello! END TRANSCRIPT


Quick Start

start and settings both open to

\$name : $1
\$author : $2
\$description : $3
\$amount : ${4:10}
\$picture : $5
\$button : ${6:Go!}


list opens to

another element

Known Issues

Comments require a starting space to differentiate them from URLs.

Release Notes


Readme fixed.


Initial release.